symbols, characters, images and numbers are all types of data. When data is processed and acquires meaning it becomes information. Computers process data to produce information.
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Data Protection Act
This law regulates how personal information is used and protects against misuse of personal details.
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Debit card
similar to a credit card, but the money is taken directly from the cardholder's bank account.
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Digital divide
Unequal access to ICT for individuals or groups, usually due to financial, geographic, health, or cultural reasons.
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Digital Economy Act
This law protects copyright holders from criminals who illegally distribute copyrighted material (piracy).
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Digital Rights Management
Allows the copyright holder or the owner of the media control over the number of viewings, plays and copies, and even which devices the media can be played or viewed on.
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A small piece of hardware that connects to a computer and has uses including data storage and picking up bluetooth and 3G signals.
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Transfer of a file, e.g. a video, from a central computer to your computer.
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Digital Versatile Disc that has a high amount of storage capacity.
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Buying and selling goods electronically, usually over the Internet.
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Electronic waste (e-waste)
Rubbish comprising of digital materials e.g. old computers.
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For security, data is translated into a secret code according to a set of rules in a special 'key'.
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The design of equipment to increase the efficiency of the way it is used by the human body, to promote the health of users.
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A set of rules that people try to abide by out of respect for other people around them.
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A system designed to prevent unauthorised access to your computer when connected to a network such as the Internet.
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Flash memory card
Used for fast and easily transferable information storage in digital devices such as mobile phones and cameras. Flash memory is known as a solid state storage device, meaning there are no moving parts.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
This law regulates how personal information is used and protects against misuse of personal details.
Data Protection Act
Card 3
similar to a credit card, but the money is taken directly from the cardholder's bank account.
Card 4
Unequal access to ICT for individuals or groups, usually due to financial, geographic, health, or cultural reasons.
Card 5
This law protects copyright holders from criminals who illegally distribute copyrighted material (piracy).
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