Year 9 RE Revision Cards
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- Created by: ArtyFowl
- Created on: 24-06-16 16:27
What do fundamentalist Christians think of the Bible?
Fundamentalists interpret the Bible as the literal word of God. They take each word and story at face value.
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What do conservative Christians think of the Bible?
Conservative Christians believe the people who wrote the books in the Bible were inspired by God, so it should be accepted as the truth. They do believe that there may be some inaccuracies due to human error.
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What do liberal Christians think of the Bible?
Liberal Christians accept the Bible as the word of God but they focus on the messages in the Bible. They believe there are inaccuracies as the Bible was passed down through word of mouth before it was written down.
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What are reasons why the Bible should be read?
it contains laws on how to live - it contains the history of God's people - it contains advice on how to live - it contains the stories of the life and teachings of Jesus - it helps us to learn about God
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What are some issues with the Bible?
it was written a long time ago, so does not contain relevant teachings on modern day issues - it can be interpreted in different ways - the writers were influenced by different social situations
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What do Christians believe Jesus is?
They believe that Jesus is the Son of God and is both fully divine and fully human.
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What is evidence (to Christians) that Jesus was fully divine?
The Transfiguration - Walking on water - the Resurrection
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What is evidence that Jesus was fully human?
The mocking of Jesus - Jesus' cry from the cross
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How old was Jesus when he began his missionary work?
Around 30 years old.
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What did the religious group of the scribes at the time of Jesus do?
They wrote and interpreted the religious law.
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What did the religious and political group of the Sadducees at the time of Jesus do?
The Sadducees were wealthy Jews who were powerful in religious matters and who co-operated with the Romans.
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What did the religious group of the Pharisees at the time of Jesus do?
The Pharisees were a group who were very strict in keeping Jewish law.
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What did the religious group of the Sanhedrin at the time of Jesus do?
They were the religious council which had the authority to pass laws on.
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What did the political group of Zealots at the time of Jesus do?
They were violent revolutionaries who opposed the Romans.
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What does disciple mean?
A follower of Jesus
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What are some examples of disciples?
Mother Teresa - Sean Devereux - Dorothy Day - Martin Luther King
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What does the Kingdom of God mean?
The rule of God in the heart and the future rule of God in heaven.
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What are some parables about the Kingdom of God?
Lamp under a Bowl - Parable of the Growing Seed - Parable of the Sower
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When did Jesus teach about the Kingdom of God?
When he did the Sermon on the Mount.
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What are the key teachings from the Sermon on the Mount?
love your enemies - pray and fast in secret - give to those in need - do not take revenge - do not store up riches - do not judge others - take the Narrow Gate
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What does the Sanctity of Life mean?
All life is sacred and holy.
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What are the four types of love?
Storge - Agape - Philos - Eros
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What does Storge mean?
Warm affection or liking of something.
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What does Agape mean?
Unconditional, selfless love for others.
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What does Philos mean?
Love of friends or family.
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What does Eros mean?
Romantic love, or sexual affection for someone.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Conservative Christians believe the people who wrote the books in the Bible were inspired by God, so it should be accepted as the truth. They do believe that there may be some inaccuracies due to human error.
What do conservative Christians think of the Bible?
Card 3
Liberal Christians accept the Bible as the word of God but they focus on the messages in the Bible. They believe there are inaccuracies as the Bible was passed down through word of mouth before it was written down.

Card 4
it contains laws on how to live - it contains the history of God's people - it contains advice on how to live - it contains the stories of the life and teachings of Jesus - it helps us to learn about God

Card 5
it was written a long time ago, so does not contain relevant teachings on modern day issues - it can be interpreted in different ways - the writers were influenced by different social situations

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