Yalta and Potsdam Conference 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCold WarA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: Jazzleberry01Created on: 11-11-17 21:31 When was the Yalta Conference? 4-12 February 1945 1 of 10 When was the Potsdam Conference? 17 July - 2 August 1945 2 of 10 At Yalta what was decided to help steer Korea towards independence? Soviet-American-British-Chinese Trusteeship 3 of 10 In which country in the Yalta Conference did Roosevelt give Stalin Territorial Concessions? China 4 of 10 How many months after German defeat did Stalin promise to enter the war? 3 Months 5 of 10 What did Roosevelt promise Stalin in Japan? South Sakhalin, Kurille Islands and concessions in Manchuria 6 of 10 Who was to take Japanese surrender in North Vietnam?(Potsdam) China 7 of 10 Who was to take Japanese surrender in South Vietnam?(Potsdam) British 8 of 10 At Potsdam what happened with the Soviet-American-British-Chinese trusteeship? US rejected Soviet initiative to work out details 9 of 10 What did Stalin reiterate at the Potsdam Conference? Plans to enter the war against Japan 10 of 10
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