High frequency, short wavelength electromagnetic waves.
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X-rays are absorbed by.....
denser materials like bone and metal
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X-rays are transmitted (pass through) by.....
healthy tissue
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How can X-rays be electronically formed?
using charge-coupled devices- CCDs
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What do CT scans use?
X-rays to produce a high resolution image
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X-rays form a ..... image
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CT scans form a ...... image
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How can X-rays be used to treat cancers?
They can cause ionization so therefore large doses will kill living cells
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How are X-rays used to treat cancer?
1. focused on tumor using a wide beam. 2. Beam is rotated around the patient with the tumor at the centre. 3. This minimizes the radiation to normal cells, reduce damage on the rest of the body
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What do Radiographers working with X-rays or CT scans protect themselves with?
Wearing lead aprons or standing behind lead screen; this is used to shield them from the X-rays so they don't become ill.
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Ultrasound gets ............ ............... at a boundary between media.
partially reflected
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How would a pulse of ultrasound sent to an object travel back?
Would be reflected back of the boundary
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What can the time it takes the pulses to travel back to the detecteor be used for?
Measure how far away a boundary is
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What is an oscilloscope trace used for?
finding boundaries
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How is ultrasound used in breaking down kidney stones?
An ultrasound beam concentrates high-energy waves at the kidney stone and turns into sand like particles. These particles then pass out the body painlessly in urine.
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How is ultrasound used in pre-natal scanning of the fetus?
Ultrasound waves can pass through the body but whenever they reach a boundary between two different media some of the wave is reflected back and detected. the exact timing and distribution of these echoes are processed by a computer.
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Ultrasound waves are ...........
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CT scans use more......... ............ than standard X-ray scans.
X-ray radiation
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Why can ultrasound images be difficult to diagnose from?
They can be fuzzy
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X-ray photos produce clear images of?
Bones and metal
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CT scans produce detailed images and can be used to diagnose complicated illnesses because?
The high resolution can make it easier to diagnose from and high quality 3D image are easier to plan operations and detect problems.
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