WW1 AND WW2 KEY WORDS 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: Christina SCreated on: 09-04-19 19:26 Alliances Agreement or promises between a country to help each other. 1 of 25 Appeasement the policy of giving into someones demands to calm them down . 2 of 25 Attrition wearing down the enemy 3 of 25 Blitzkrieg a sudden and overwhelming military attack 4 of 25 Capitalism an economic and political system based on private ownership of goods and industry 5 of 25 Cold War a non-violent conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States between 1945 and 1990 6 of 25 Communism a left-wing economic and social syatem based on classless society and common ownership of goods in industry 7 of 25 Democracy a system of Government where the population vote for a representative to hold power. 8 of 25 Depression a long and severe downturn in economic activity 9 of 25 Dictator a ruler with total power over the country who often rules in a cruel or brutal way 10 of 25 Dugout a shelter dug into the side of a trench 11 of 25 Evacuation to remove people from a dangerous place 12 of 25 Fascism a right-wing political system headed by a dictator who has complete power and opposition is not permitted 13 of 25 Frontline the forefront line in defence 14 of 25 Ghetto the poor area of a city where a minority group or groups are forced to live 15 of 25 Holocaust the mass murder of 6 million Jewish people under the Nazi regime between 1941 and 1945 16 of 25 Imperialism building up of Empires 17 of 25 League Of Nations an international organisation created after WW1 to provide a place for resolving disputes between countries 18 of 25 Militarism building up armies and getting ready for war 19 of 25 Nationalism having pride and love for your country 20 of 25 No Mans Land area separating opposing armies in trench warfare 21 of 25 Revolution to forcibly overthrow a government in flavor of bringing in a new system 22 of 25 Stalemate a deadlock in which neither side can make progress 23 of 25 Suffrage the right to vote in political elections 24 of 25 Trench long narrow ditch in the ground protecting soldiers from enemy fire 25 of 25
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