Women and Family
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- Created by: Sophie Grierson
- Created on: 09-06-13 20:08
Iliad Book 6, Helen on Paris
'I wish the earth would open and swallow him up'
1 of 38
Iliad Book 6, Helen on herself
'cold, evil minded ****'
2 of 38
Iliad Book 6, Andromache
'I might as well be dead...there will be no comfort left when you have met your end'
3 of 38
Iliad Book 6, Andromache's wisdom
'rally the Trojans by the fig tree there where the wall is easiest to scale'
4 of 38
Iliad Book 6, family image
'he kissed his dear son'
5 of 38
Iliad Book 22, Hecabe
'His mother wailed and wept beside Priam and opened the fold of her dress and held out her breast in her hand'
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Iliad Book 22, Andromache
'the bright headdress flew far from her head'
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Iliad Book 22, Andromache's lament
'Suffering will be the lot of Astyanax'
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Iliad Book 24, common humanity, Achilles
'a longing to weep for his own father'
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Iliad Book 24, importance of kurios
'no children in his palace to follow his steps'
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Aeneid Book 1, simile about Dido
'Like Diana leading the dance on the banks of the Eurotas'
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Aeneid Book 1, Dido on Aeneas
'Dido of Sidon was amazed at her first sight of him'
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Aeneid Book 1, Dido
'through my own suffering I am learning to help those who suffer'
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Aeneid Book 1, on Dido
'But most of all the unfortunate Dido, doomed to be a victim of a plague that was yet to come'
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Aeneid Book 2, Creusa
'If the gods had wished me to go on living, they would have preserved this place for me'
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Aeneid Book 2, Aeneas' love for Creusa, her death:
'the cruellest thing I saw in all the sack of the city'
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Aeneid Book 2, Creusa shows importance of family
'Do not fail in your love for our son'
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Aeneid Book 2, death better than losing honour
' I shall never have to be a matron of Greece'
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Aeneid Book 4, about Dido
'the queen had long since been suffering from Love's deadly wound, feeding it with her blood and being consumed by its fire'
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Aeneid Book 4, Dido's mind
'mind immovably fixed' against marriage
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Aeneid Book 4, Anna to Dido
'without knowing the delights of children and the rewards of love'
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Aeneid Book 4, simile about Dido
'wounded doe' of which a hunter has 'caught off guard'
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Book 4, Dido's infatuation
'she would see and hear him when he was not there for her to see or hear'
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Book 4, Dido's love
'no longer kept her love a secret in her own heart'
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Book 4, when Dido finds out Aeneas is leaving
'she raved and raged around the whole city'
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Book 4, Dido's argument
'does our love have no claim on you?'
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Book 4, Dido's supplication
'I beg you by our union, by the marriage we have begun'
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Book 4, Dido to Aeneas
'I am hated because of you'
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Book 4, Virgil sympathy for Dido:
'Love is a cruel master. There is no lengths to which it does not force the human heart'
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Book 4, Dido's death
'She decided to die and planned in her mind the time and the means'
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Book 4, Dido dying
'We shall die unavenged'
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Book 4, Anna
'You could have called me to share your fate and we would have died in the same moment of the same grief'
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Book 6, future
'Once again the Trojan suffering will be a foreign bride'
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Book 6, Dido's reaction to Aeneas in the underworld
'she kept her eyes on the ground'
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Book 7, Amata
'seething with the womanly anger and disappointment at the arrival of the Trojans and the loss of the wedding to Turnus'
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Book 10, Aeneas to Lausus
'Why are you in such a haste to die? Why do you take on tasks beyond your strength? You are too rash. Your love for your father is decieving you'
36 of 38
Book 10, tender image destroyed by Aeneas of Lausus
'the tunic his mother had woven for him with soft thread of gold and filled the folds of it with blood'
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Book 12, Amata
'her mind was deranged with grief and she screamed that she was the cause, the guilty one, the fountainhead of all these evils'
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Iliad Book 6, Helen on herself
'cold, evil minded ****'
Card 3
Iliad Book 6, Andromache

Card 4
Iliad Book 6, Andromache's wisdom

Card 5
Iliad Book 6, family image

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