Name a suitable data type for storing the following: a client's phone number, the number of whole days taken to complete a job, the area of a circle (e.g. 13.5), whether a client receives a discount (e.g. TRUE).
Client's phone number - STRING. Number of whole days to complete a job - INTEGER. Area of a circle - REAL. Whether client receives discount - BOOLEAN.
1 of 17
What is a suitable data structure for storing multiple data types and why?
A record, because it holds multiple data types.
2 of 17
Describe a mail-merge, giving an example.
Mail-merge is taking data from an external source and combining it with a standard letter or document to from a personalised letter. E.g. certificates of achievement addressed personally to many people.
3 of 17
Describe a macro, giving an example.
A macro is the recording of key strokes which can then be replayed by clicking a button, menu item or allocated key combination. E.g. when performing a mail-merge.
4 of 17
State three principles of the Data Protection Act.
Data is fairly and lawfully processed. Data is processed for limited purposes. Data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive. Data must be accurate and up to date. Personal data can be stored for no longer than necessary etc.
5 of 17
Describe a problem with a paper-based database system and how it could be solved with a computerised database system.
They might not be able to read handwriting/ incorrect calculations etc. Solution: calculations will be accurate, things can be printed if lost, computerised database system can perform sorts on data.
6 of 17
Give an example of a suitable validation check for a postcode, giving an example of invalid data.
Presence check: invalid data would be no data. Range check to ensure data is within sensible limits (e.g. 0 and 9): invalid would be 120000, -23. Type check (e.g. all entries should be integers): invalid data would be "abc".
7 of 17
Define the term "accidental damage", giving an example of how it could occur and how it could be prevented.
Accidental damage is when data is unintentionally amended or deleted. Examples: errors in adding new information, accidentally adding information to the wrong thing etc. Prevention: verification checks, suitable training, make some data read-only.
8 of 17
Describe what hardware is needed to set up a wireless network in the home.
Each computer/laptop would need a wireless network interface card. The network would be a wireless router (or switch).
9 of 17
What is the difference between a local variable and a global variable?
Local variable: can only be used in the sub program where they were defined. Global variable: can be used throughout the entire program.
10 of 17
Describe how records are added to a serial file and how records are added to a sequential file.
To add to a serial file the new record is appended to the end of the file. To add to a sequential file, a new file is made by copying the old file until an insertion is required then inserting the new record and copying the rest of the file.
11 of 17
Define a FIXED length record.
Has the same number of bytes and fields in each record, is easier to program as it can be calculated to know how much space will be required, quicker to process as start and end locations are known, wastes storage space, will truncate long fields.
12 of 17
Define a VARIABLE length record.
Different number of bytes or fields in each record, difficult to calculate space required, slower to process as start and end locations must be calculated, saves storage space, avoids truncation as it can extend.
13 of 17
What would be the most suitable file attribute for a file no longer in regular use but may be required some time in the future?
14 of 17
What would be the most suitable file attribute for a file the user should not be able to alter?
15 of 17
What would be the most suitable file attribute for a file only used by the operating system?
16 of 17
Briefly describe the benefits of using a social networking site for communication with friends and family.
No cost other than internet access, quicker to write on the internet, can upload pictures, can include multimedia, interactive features, can be accessed anywhere etc.
17 of 17
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a suitable data structure for storing multiple data types and why?
A record, because it holds multiple data types.
Card 3
Describe a mail-merge, giving an example.
Card 4
Describe a macro, giving an example.
Card 5
State three principles of the Data Protection Act.
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