A result of the Greek civil war in 1944 (Royalist government vs Communists). Britain had 40,000 troops in Greece and gave economic aid but they couldn't afford to continue so USA took over.
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2) Truman Doctrine (1947) What is it?
The containment of communism. The USA would use its economic strength to protect countries in Europe with a communist threat to prevent it spreading through Europe.
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3) Truman Doctrine (1947) What were the consequences?
The Greek government defeated communism. Rivalry between USA and USSR increased. USA became far more involved in European affairs. Stalin set up Cominform in 1947. USA decided on the Marshall Plan.
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4) Marshall Plan (1948) Why was it set up?
When communists came to power in Czechoslovakia, the USA wanted to protect Europe. As a follow up of the Truman Doctrine.
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5) Marshall Plan (1948) What is it?
USA offered economic aid to countries with a communist threat. In return, those countries would buy US goods and allow US investment in their industries. They would also get goods such as weapons and machinery.
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6) Marshall Plan (1948) What were the consequences?
Organisation of European Economic Recovery (OEER) was set up. By 1953 the USA had given $17 billion. Europe became more firmly divided into East and West. Stalin accused the West of using the Marshall Plan to dominate Europe.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The containment of communism. The USA would use its economic strength to protect countries in Europe with a communist threat to prevent it spreading through Europe.
2) Truman Doctrine (1947) What is it?
Card 3
The Greek government defeated communism. Rivalry between USA and USSR increased. USA became far more involved in European affairs. Stalin set up Cominform in 1947. USA decided on the Marshall Plan.
Card 4
When communists came to power in Czechoslovakia, the USA wanted to protect Europe. As a follow up of the Truman Doctrine.
Card 5
USA offered economic aid to countries with a communist threat. In return, those countries would buy US goods and allow US investment in their industries. They would also get goods such as weapons and machinery.
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