Why did Mark write his Gospel? 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Religious StudiesChristianityGCSEAQA Created by: KatieCreated on: 09-04-13 12:08 Why did Mark write his Gospel? To reafirm his own faith. 1 of 15 Why did Mark write his Gospel? Record events for the future 2 of 15 Why did Mark write his Gospel? To pass on the faith and Christian way of living. 3 of 15 Why did Mark write his Gospel? Peter's wishes 4 of 15 Why did Mark write his Gospel? So that the messge of Jesus stays the same. 5 of 15 Why did Mark write his Gospel? To show Jesus' humanity 6 of 15 Why did Mark write his Gospel? To support the early Christians. 7 of 15 What does the word Messiah mean? Annointed one 8 of 15 Sources of the Gospel Divine inspiration 9 of 15 Sources of the Gospel Personal experience 10 of 15 Sources of the Gospel Other eyewitnesses 11 of 15 Sources of the Gospel The disciples 12 of 15 Sources of the Gospel Peter 13 of 15 Sources of the Gospel Matthew's Gospel 14 of 15 Sources of the Gospel Collections of teachings 15 of 15
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