Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-39 General Knowledge
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- Created by: BryonyBedford
- Created on: 28-12-17 15:35
When was the armistice signed?
11 November 1918
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Where was the Kaiser at this time?
In exile in Holland
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Who were called the 'November Criminals'?
The politicians that signed the Armistice and the Treaty of Versailles
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What did many right wing people believe about the end of the war?
that the soldiers had wanted to keep fighting, but the government had stopped the war - Dolchstoss Theory
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What was the largest political party in 1919?
SPD - Social Democrats
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Why did coalition governments form?
Because they used proportional representation which meant that the votes were too spread out
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Who were the Spartacists?
communists of the left wing parties. Members of the KPD
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Who dealt with this uprising?
The Freikorps and the Army
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How often was there to be an election for the Reichstag, according to the constitution?
Every 4 years
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Give one positive aspect of the constitution
everybody over 20 could vote
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Give one negative aspect of the constitution
proportional representation led to frequency coalitions
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Who became the first president?
Freidrich Ebert
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What was proportional representation?
When the proportion of votes for party determined the proportion of seats that party had in the Reichstag
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Why did many Germans feel humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles (give 3 detailed reasons)
charge with the War Guilt Clause, Article 231. Germany was split in two by the Polish Corridor. Financial loss
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When was the treaty signed?
28 June 1919
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What was Article 48
the clause that said the President could rule the country without the Reichstag using the army
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When was the Spartacist Uprising?
January 1919
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Give 3 negative aspects of the Treaty of Versailles
reparation at £6.6 billion. Land was taken away, e.g. Alsace Lorraine was given to France. German people were split up
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What was the Kapp Putsch?
a right wing uprising led by Kapp and Ehrhardt who tried to take over Berlin in March 1920
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How was this uprising defeated?
Ebert ordered a strike, meaning that Kapp had control of a city that had not electricity, water or gas
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What activities did right wing groups get involved in after this?
the Munich Putsch. murders
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How did judges respond to right wing criminals?
they gave them no sentence or very light sentences, even for murders. this is because the judges were right wingers, who supported the Kaiser
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What caused hyperinflation?
workers went on strike int eh Ruh, so the government printed more money to pay them. shops put up their prices
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when did hyperinflation happen?
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what 3 things did Stresemann do to deal with this?
restart reparation, end the strike and introduce the temporary Rentenmark
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When did the Munich Putsch happen?
13 March 1920
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Why did the Munich Putsch happen?
right wingers were unhappy because Stresemann backed down to the French
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What was the Dawes Plan?
a reparations plan on a sliding scale
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How was the Young Plan different?
reparations were reduced by 3/4 and increased the amount of time they had to pay
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Who was foreign minister 1923-29
Gustav Stresemann
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Give two reasons why The Locarno Treaties were so important?
there was an accepted border between France and Germany set by the Treaty of Versailles. Increased trade with Germany
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What evidence is there of political stability at this time?
extremist parties lost seats. by 1928, Nazis only had 12 seats
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Who was Hindenburg?
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Give two beliefs put forward by Hitler in the 25 point programme
Jews should give over their land. Clever children would get a free education
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What is anti-Semitism?
Hatred against the Jews.
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What did the DAP change its name to in 1920?
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Who replaced Anton Drexler as its leader in 1921?
Adolf Hitler
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How did the Nazis spread their propaganda to start off with?
through posters. Bought a newspaper 'People's Observer'
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What is meant by Fuhrerprinzip?
Supreme Leader
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What happened at the Bamberg Conference?
Hitler spoke for 5 hours. They reorganised the party
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What did the SA do to increase support for the Nazis?
they protected Hitler at political meetings and disrupted other party meetings
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What was the Hitler Youth?
nazi youth organisation that indoctrinated children about how Hitler was the supreme leader, and no one should go against him. also taught them about Hitler's beliefs.
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What was the role of Josef Goebbels 1929-32?
Head of Propaganda
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How was Hitler able to speak in 5 cities a day?
by flying the Hitler Plane
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Who gave financial support to the Nazis?
big companies like Bosch and Thyssen-Krup
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Did the Nazis have the majority in the election of July 1932?
yes they were the largest party in the Reichstag
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Give a type of person Hitler appealed to
nationalist because he would remove the Treaty of Versailles
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Why did the Nazis lose votes in the second election of 1932?
there was more economical stability, so people didn't turn to extremist parties
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Who arranged for Hitler to become chancellor?
Von Papen
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What was the importance of the Reichstag fire?
Hitler could make Hindenburg sign the 'Decree for the Protection of People and State' enabling him to imprison communists.
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What power did the Enabling Bill give Hitler?
enabled Hitler to rule by decree using Article 48
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Who was sent to concentration camps at first?
political prisoners, religious groups, work-shy
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Why was Rohm murdered?
Because he wanted the SA to have control over the Army but Hitler knew the generals wouldn't agree to this.
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Who swore an oath of allegiance to Hitler in August 1934?
the Army
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Who were the Gestapo?
people who spied ont eh general public and reported them if they did anything wrong
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Why did the Nazis close down Catholic Youth groups?
because they had too much influence over the children and Hitler wanted everyone to believe in Nazism.
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Who were the German Christians?
protestants who decided to become Nazis so that they wouldn't be imprisoned.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where was the Kaiser at this time?
In exile in Holland
Card 3
Who were called the 'November Criminals'?
Card 4
What did many right wing people believe about the end of the war?
Card 5
What was the largest political party in 1919?
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