Weights and Measures 0.0 / 5 ? GermanGrammar and vocabularyGCSEEdexcel Created by: JessicaEdwards2000Created on: 12-02-17 20:53 alle (-r, -s) all 1 of 51 alle sein to be alone 2 of 51 alles everything 3 of 51 anderer/andere/anderes another/other/others 4 of 51 beide both 5 of 51 breit wide 6 of 51 **** fat 7 of 51 Ding das thing 8 of 51 Dose die can 9 of 51 dünn thin 10 of 51 ein bisschen a little bit 11 of 51 ein paar a few 12 of 51 eine Menge a lot 13 of 51 einige some 14 of 51 einzeln individually 15 of 51 etwa about 16 of 51 Flasche die bottle 17 of 51 ganz all 18 of 51 genug enough 19 of 51 gewaltig enormous 20 of 51 Gewicht das weight 21 of 51 Größe die large 22 of 51 irgend ... any ... 23 of 51 Karton der cardboard 24 of 51 Kasten der box 25 of 51 kaum barely 26 of 51 leer empty 27 of 51 leicht light 28 of 51 maß das measure 29 of 51 mehrere several 30 of 51 messen to measure 31 of 51 mindestens at least 32 of 51 mittlegroß medium-sized 33 of 51 noch still 34 of 51 Päckchen das small parcel 35 of 51 Packung die packet/pack 36 of 51 Packet das parcel 37 of 51 Pfund das pound 38 of 51 pro per 39 of 51 Schachtel die box/packet 40 of 51 Schiebe die slice 41 of 51 schwer heavy 42 of 51 Stück das piece 43 of 51 Tüte die bag 44 of 51 ungefähr about 45 of 51 voll full 46 of 51 wenig little/not much 47 of 51 wiegen to weigh 48 of 51 Kreis der circle 49 of 51 rund round 50 of 51 viereckig square 51 of 51
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