over 600,000 homes flooded,16 farms evacuated and the estimated damage of the flood was more than 10 million pounds
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what are the responses of the Somerset floods?
They had to move the water of the land into rivers by a pump and rivers where drenched to stop future flooding
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what is a tropical storm?
A tropical storm is a very powerful low-pressure weather system which results in strong winds and heavy rainfall
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what is an example of a tropical storm?
typhoon Haiyan
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what are some effects of typhoon Haiyan?
Over 600,000 people were displaced, and 40,000 home damaged, 30,000 fishing boats were destroyed and 6300 people were killed
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what were some responses for typhoon Haiyan?
Field hospitals and 1200 evacuation centres
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will climate change effect tropical storms?
Climate change can worsen the intensity of tropical storms in several ways, including by making record rainfall more likely and by causing sea levels to rise, which can raise the risk of storm surges.
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where do tropical storms form?
Tropical Storms start within 5º and 15º north and south of the equator
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what temperature does the water need to be to form a tropical storm?
27.5 degrees C
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what is the structure of tropical storms?
Air spirals in toward the centre in a anti clockwise pattern in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere
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what is a weather hazard?
is an extreme weather event that threatens people or property.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are some effects from the Somerset floods?
over 600,000 homes flooded,16 farms evacuated and the estimated damage of the flood was more than 10 million pounds
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