Weather 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishWeather IGCSEAQA Created by: pollyusherCreated on: 19-09-17 18:33 It is stormy Hay tormenta 1 of 28 It's sunny Hace sol 2 of 28 Esta nublado Its cloudy 3 of 28 Hace viento Its windy 4 of 28 Its sunny Esta soleado 5 of 28 Its good weather Hace bien tiempo 6 of 28 Hace mal tiempo Its bad weather 7 of 28 Its hot Hace calor 8 of 28 There are clouds Hay nubes 9 of 28 Its raining Esta lloviendo 10 of 28 Its snowing Esta nevando 11 of 28 Whats the weather like today? Que tiempo hace? 12 of 28 When its windy I like doing windsurfing Cuando hace veinte me gusta hacer a windsurf 13 of 28 Yesterday it was stormy Ayer hubo tormenta 14 of 28 Ayer estuvo nublado Yesterday its was cloudy 15 of 28 In the morning it was cold Por la mañana hizo frio 16 of 28 Preterite of HAY Hubo 17 of 28 Preterite of ESTA Estuvo 18 of 28 Preterite of HACE Hizo 19 of 28 During the holidays it was stormy all day Durante las vacaciones había tormenta todos los dia 20 of 28 During the holidays it was sunny every day Durante las vacaciones estaba soleado todos las días 21 of 28 Durante al dia hacia frio During the day it was cold 22 of 28 Imperfect of HACE Hacia 23 of 28 Imperfect of HAY Habia 24 of 28 Imperfect of ESTA Estaba 25 of 28 It's going to rain tomorrow Va a llover mañana 26 of 28 Mañana va a estará sol Tomorrow it will be sunny 27 of 28 There will be storms tomorrow Habra tormenta 28 of 28
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