Waxing Level 2 0.0 / 5 ? OtherwaxingOtherOther Created by: kaudoireCreated on: 04-05-18 09:51 Your client has been using depilatory creams before a wax this may make the skin dry and you also need to ensure that the hair is long enough 1 of 25 A skin sensitivity test should be conducted to stop injury and ensure sensory nerves are responding correctly 2 of 25 During or following a waxing treatment a histamine response may take place. Histamine is a chemical that is released in the skin when an allergic reaction is occurring 3 of 25 For a waxing treatment your working area should be clean, tidy well ventilated, with relaxing music and good lighting 4 of 25 For legal reasons before a treatment, the client must be questioned and their responses recorded to enable the therapist to assess whether the client is actually suited to the treatment 5 of 25 If the client experiences excessive erythema during a treatment, the therapist should remove the product and apply a cool compress 6 of 25 If the client has a small open cut in the area to be waxed, the therapist should ensure it is covered with a plaster 7 of 25 Localised red lumps that develop in the hair follicle, that fill with pus and are very painful are known as boils 8 of 25 Personal protective equipment (PPE) is used to prevent? cross-infection 9 of 25 Red, silvery crusts on the skin stimulated by stress is known as? psoriasis 10 of 25 Which contra-indication will prevent waxing treatment? thin or fragile skin 11 of 25 The skin produces which vitamin in response to sunlight exposure Vitamin D 12 of 25 The skin regulates heat through arrector pili muscle contraction and sweating 13 of 25 Warm wax is better for a more sensitive skin 14 of 25 What aftercare advice would you give to a client after facial waxing? No make-up for 12 hours, avoid heat and touching the area 15 of 25 What are the advantages of shaving? It's cheap and painless 16 of 25 What are the disadvantages of threading? Skill is needed and breakages are possible 17 of 25 What is the primary function of hair? Protection 18 of 25 What products do you need to carry out a warm wax? Disposable spatulas, wax strips, cotton wool, pre-wax lotion, talc and after wax lotion 19 of 25 What should your client avoid after a bikini wax for 24-48 hours? Restrictive clothing, self tan and perfumed products 20 of 25 When waxing, you can work around which contra-indication skin tag 21 of 25 Which wax is most beneficial for coarse hair growth? Hot wax 22 of 25 Name 7 possible contra-actions to waxing treatments Allergic reaction, Spot bleeding, Bruising, Burning, Skin removal, Erythema, Ingrowing hairs 23 of 25 Name 7 contra-indications that require medical referral Acne vulgaris, Boils, Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Diabetes, Severe varicose veins 24 of 25 Name 7 contra-indications that restrict treatment Sun burn, Cuts or abrasions, Bruising, Warts or hairy moles, Self tan, Heat rash, Abnormal hair growth 25 of 25
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