
5)Undisturbed postion
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What happens when a wave travels through a medium?
The particles of it oscillate and transfer energy between each other but they stay in the same place overall (only energy is transferred)
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What is a complete wave?
A whole wavelength
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What is the frequency of a wave?
The number of waves passing by a point every unit of time (seconds)
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What speed do travel at?
3 x 10^8 m/s
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When does sound travel faster?
Through denser mediums because the closer together the particles the more effective the transfer of energy
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What is pitch?
How high/low a tone is
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What is volume?
How loud/ quiet a tone is
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Amplitude of sound is linked to ...
the pitch
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Frequency of a sound is linked to ....
The volume
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What is a wave?
A transfer of energy from one point to another. They transport energy not matter
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What are MECHANICAL waves?
They are vibrations which travel through a medium (matter)
e.g sound
Can be transverse and longitudinal waves
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Waves capable of transmitting energy through a vaccume. (No matter's needed)
e.g. Light
Only transverse waves
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What are transverse waves
When vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer.
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What is a longitudinal wave?
Where the vibrations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer.
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What is the human hearing range?
20 - 20000 Hz
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How does human hearing work?
We transform a mechanical impulse into an electrical impulse.
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How do EM waves transfer energy?
From a source to an absorber
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What happens to EM waves over a range of frequencies?
They form a continuous spectrum
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Name the 7 EM waves starting with the lowest frequency and highest wavelength:
1)Radio waves
3)Infra Red
4)Visible Light
7)Gamma Rays
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What are AC currents made from?
Oscillating charges which produce oscillating electric and magnetic fields which are what make up EM waves
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Frequency of the waves produced =
Frequency of alternating current
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How are radio waves produced?
Electrons oscillate in the transmitter due to the AC and produce EM waves. Emitted radio waves transfer energy to an receiver where the EM waves are absorbed & cause electrons in receiver to oscillate leading to production of ac in the receiver.
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Uses of Long-wave Radio Waves
-Wavelengths between 1 and 10km.
-Diffract around large objects
-Can transmit signals to receiver not in the line of sight of the transmitter .: can be used for long-range communications.
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Uses of Short-wave Radio Waves
-Wavelengths between 10 and 100m
-Reflect off the ionosphere (an electrically charged layer of gas in the upper atmosphere).
-Can communicate w transmitters/receivers not in sight e.g. used for bluetooth
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All electromagnetic waves travel at..
the speed of light
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What does refraction mean?
When a wave crosses a boundary between material and it changes direction.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What happens when a wave travels through a medium?


The particles of it oscillate and transfer energy between each other but they stay in the same place overall (only energy is transferred)

Card 3


What is a complete wave?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the frequency of a wave?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What speed do travel at?


Preview of the front of card 5
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