waves and electromagnetic waves 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsWavesGCSEAQA Created by: bbysharkCreated on: 08-01-21 11:34 multiply it by wavelength to get the speed of a wave frequency 1 of 15 type of reflection where no image is formed diffuse 2 of 15 type of reflection where an image is formed specular 3 of 15 light bends at boundary of substance because of change of densities refraction 4 of 15 reflection is when light scatters off the ??? of an object surface 5 of 15 all EM travel at the speed of light when they are in this vacuum 6 of 15 what type of wave are EM waves transverse 7 of 15 as well as frequency, EM waves all have different wavelengths 8 of 15 first EM wave radio 9 of 15 second EM wave microwave 10 of 15 third EM wave infrared 11 of 15 fourth EM wave visiblelight 12 of 15 fifth EM wave ultraviolet 13 of 15 sixth EM wave xray 14 of 15 seventh EM wave gamma 15 of 15
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