Water is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms (which are positive) bonded to an oxygen atom (which is negative) giving the molecule two poles.
1 of 14
How does hydrogen bonding in water work?
Bonds can form between the positive pole of one water molecule and the negative pole of another.
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Why is water cohesive?
Water molecules stick together because of the hydrogen bonds that form between them.
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What are the solvent properties of water?
Many substances dissolve in water because of its polarity for example organic compounds with a charge, inorganic compounds and enzymes.
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What is the relationship between living organisms and the cohesivenss of water?
In trees strong pulling forces are exerted to pull columns of water to the top of trees in their transport systems. Water is used a transport medium in the xylem of plants.
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How are the solvent properties of water utilised in living organisms?
Water is a medium for metabolic reactions. The solvent properties of water allow substances to be carried in it in the blood of animals and the sap of plants.
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What are the three thermal properties of water?
Heat capacity, boiling point and the cooling effect of evaporation.
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Why does water have a high heat capacity?
Large amounts of energy are needed to raise the temperature of water because energy is needed to break the hydrogen bonds between the molecules.
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How is the heat capacity of water utilised in living organisms?
Blood (which is mainly composed of water) can carry heat from warmer parts of the body to cooler ones.
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What is the boiling point of water?
Pure water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.
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What change of state occurs when water boils?
Water (a liquid) changes to gas when all the hydrogen bonds are broken.
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How is the boiling point of water utilized in living organisms?
Water is below boiling point almost everywhere on earth. In liquid form it can act as the medium for metabolic reactions.
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Why does water have a cooling effect when evaporating?
Water can evaporate below boiling point, energy to break the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules is taken from the liquid water and therefore cools it down.
13 of 14
How is the cooling effect of evaporation utilised in humans?
Evaporation from plant leaves (transpiration) and from human skin (sweat) cools the skin or plant when over heated.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How does hydrogen bonding in water work?
Bonds can form between the positive pole of one water molecule and the negative pole of another.
Card 3
Why is water cohesive?
Card 4
What are the solvent properties of water?
Card 5
What is the relationship between living organisms and the cohesivenss of water?
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