War of the roses 02 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryBritish monarchy - Tudors and StuartsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Isabelle6447Created on: 13-03-21 12:02 What was the war of the roses also known as ? The cousins war 1 of 7 What years were the war of the roses ? 1455-1485 2 of 7 What family was the rival York and Lancaster apart of ? Plantagenet family 3 of 7 Who did Richard the III succeed? Edward V 4 of 7 When Edward IV died unexpectedly who was meant to take the throne? 12 year old Edward V 5 of 7 Why didn't Henry V take the throne in 1583 declared illegitimate 6 of 7 Richard was crowned instead of Edward V, what was he rumoured to do to him and his brother? Murdered them in the tower 7 of 7
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