War and Peace 3.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Religious StudiesEthicsWar and peaceASOCR Created by: theblazingoptimistCreated on: 09-04-16 12:05 What quote from Jesus shows Christianity as a pacifist religion? "...all who draw the sword will die by the sword. – Matthew 26:52 1 of 34 What Bible quote shows God as violent? “…go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them." - Samuel 15:3 2 of 34 Define realism War = inevitable + beyond ethics. 3 of 34 Define just war War allowed if certain conditions met 4 of 34 Define contingent pacifism War never waged on acceptable ground - sometimes okay in theory, rarely in practice 5 of 34 Define preferential pacifism Preferential option over violence - war too destructive, economic justice = basis for peace 6 of 34 Define religious pacifism From the gospels - Jesus preached love, not violence 7 of 34 Define absolute pacifism Never right to kill other humans, no matter conseq. 8 of 34 Define jus ad bellum (ISCRAP) Justice of resorting to war 9 of 34 What is the condition of just cause? Must have good reason for going to war, e.g self defence 10 of 34 What is the condition of legitimate authority? War must be declared by a person in authority, e.g the UN 11 of 34 What is the condition of right intention? Your reason for going to war must be moral 12 of 34 What is the condition of likelihood of success? There must be a reasonable chance of winning the war, no point if people die for no reason 13 of 34 What is the condition of proportionality? In war, weapons must be proportionate to the size of the war itself 14 of 34 What is the condition of last resort? Should only go to war if all other methods of solving conflict fail 15 of 34 Define jus in bello (PWGRIP) Justice within the war 16 of 34 What is the condition of non-combatant immunity? No innocents should be harmed in the war 17 of 34 What is the condition of obeying intl weapons laws? No nuclear/biological weapons 18 of 34 What is the condition of fair treatment of prisoners? If they no longer pose a threat, shouldn't be tortured or mistreated. 19 of 34 What are methods "mala en se"? Evil in themselves, e.g ****, genocide. Shouldn't be used in war 20 of 34 Why does just war theory not believe in the idea of reprisals? Revenge can escalate violence and harm civillians 21 of 34 Define jus post bellum (PPDRRC) Justice in ending the war 22 of 34 What is the condition of proportionality? No humiliating treaties, e.g ToV 23 of 34 What is the condition of discrimination? Distinguish between soldiers, civillians, etc - latter protected 24 of 34 What is the condition of rights vindication? Secure rights to life/liberty, fix what caused war + improve country. 25 of 34 What is the condition of punishment? Should punish those who did wrong in the war 26 of 34 What is the condition of compensation? Should repair war damage (e.g rebuild schools) 27 of 34 What is the condition of rehabilitation? Reform aggressive regimes + encourage country to better future 28 of 34 Give two strengths of just war theory. Universal, combines wisdom of many philosophers 29 of 34 Give two weaknesses of just war theory Conditions are too simplistic to apply, different approach required by WMD's 30 of 34 How would a utilitarian respond to war? If it produces more happines than unhappiness, it's allowe. 31 of 34 How would a follower of Kant respond to war? Can't universalise; tohse killed used as means to end 32 of 34 How would a follower of Natural Law respond to war? Goes against "preservation of life" (escept in humanitarian circumstances) 33 of 34 How would a follower of situation ethics respond to war? Most loving thing may mean war, but not w/ excessive force 34 of 34
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