As recommended by LC changed to RMC to include new medical knowledge and flexible enough to allow for futur developments
2 of 8
Substantially Impair
Has been made clear what must be substantially impaired for successful defence and incorporated decision in Byrne into statutory form
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Replaced provocation with LOC
LOC no longer needs to be sudden with benefits battered wives and fear of violence is now a qualifying trigger = partial defence
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Burden of proof on D
breach of Art 6 (2) European Convntion on Human Rights - innocent until proven guilty
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Developmental immaturity
Not included in DR so children of 10 could be convicted of murder with no defence unless the have AoMF, evidence brain isnt fully developed so unfair
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Sexual infidelity
Not a QT even though defence was created for such situations. could understandably lose control if this happened and no partial defence = unfair
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Gov believe it unecessary to include developmental immaturity in DR because it would be included in learning disability. Not the case as they are not the same.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Modern Definition
As recommended by LC changed to RMC to include new medical knowledge and flexible enough to allow for futur developments
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