Volatile 2 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyVolatileUniversityOther Created by: P GREENWOODCreated on: 09-05-18 20:47 wealth leads to a greater sense of risk linked to late modernity (Adams 1995) 1 of 25 NATHAN : Earthquakes 2nd most costly US Hazards - $85 Bil insured loss 1960-2005 (Gall et al 2009) 2 of 25 Perceived risk has been linked to proximity to the volcano, perceived likelihood of future disasster and levels of impact and past experience of disaster impact (Johnston et al 1999) 3 of 25 Stensrud et al 2009 75% of storm warnings are false alarms 4 of 25 Malamud et al 2005 Wildfires as a function of ecoregion 5 of 25 Quantative Risk assessment has not be attempted for all environmental hazards 6 of 25 Resilience is a multi-dimensional construct (Brown 2016) 7 of 25 Kennedy and Kirwan 1995 10yr post chernboyl - safety culture still unsystematic fragmented - despite frameworks 8 of 25 Technological accidents caused by natural events are known as NaTech (Showalter and Myers 1994) 9 of 25 Hurricain K and R vast damage on oil/gas industry and triggered Hazmat releases - 611 reported cases by not possible to be exact as depends on counting method (Cruz and Krausmann 2009) 10 of 25 Pearce 2003 Historically disaster management planning in N US viewed from a para-military perspective - conducted for not with the community 11 of 25 3 key points for European Heatwave Governance need for effictive early warning, measures to reduce expose and emergency action plans 12 of 25 By the end of 2100 likely to be a significant increase in magnitude and intensity of heavy rainfall events in Northern Europe (IPCC 2012) 13 of 25 What happens when academics and local people are involved in knowledge production from the outset ( Lane et al 2011)Pickering 14 of 25 Flooding as a problem for the individul houshold (walker et al 2006), many recovery processes have householders as project managers. 15 of 25 NAT Normal Accident Theory - Accidents are inevitable in high risk systems 16 of 25 Behavioural Paradigm Natural hazards are not purely geophysical but are linked to society decision to settle and develop hazard prone land 1950-70 (SMith 2013) 17 of 25 Collaborative if share clear goals then more likely to view them as attainable so more likely to be satisified (Wong-Parodi and Strauss 2014) 18 of 25 CRED is the most complete set of impact data - goes back to 1900 but the systematic recording of data didnt start till 1964 19 of 25 Hurriciane K big issue with impacts is double counting 20 of 25 Tropical - Equator - sense of otherness so dangerous London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine ( Bankoff 2001) 21 of 25 Claimed number of hazards causing 25 or more deaths rose annualy from 10 in 1940s to 50 by 1990s (Chapman 1994) 22 of 25 DRI as global coverage but with nation-state resolution (Birkmann 2007) 23 of 25 Em-DAT record more fatalities while insurance companies record high losses (Guha-Sapir and Below 2002) 24 of 25 Risk (Douglas) Has not got much to do with probability calculations 25 of 25
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