Vocab test 08/10/15 0.0 / 5 ? GermanWork and educationGCSECCEA Created by: joshua0060Created on: 07-10-15 21:23 Hübsh Pretty 1 of 20 Einwohner Inhabitants 2 of 20 gegründet Established/ Founded 3 of 20 Leute People 4 of 20 in der schweiz In Switzerland 5 of 20 steif Inflexible 6 of 20 Größt Biggest 7 of 20 billigste Cheapest 8 of 20 Älteste Oldest 9 of 20 Schlechteste Worst 10 of 20 Platz Place 11 of 20 Regen Rain 12 of 20 Abfall Rubbish 13 of 20 Menschen Humans 14 of 20 Sauberer Cleaner 15 of 20 teverste most expensive 16 of 20 Lebendig Lively 17 of 20 Schinken Ham 18 of 20 die umwelt Environment 19 of 20 Aufenthalt Stay 20 of 20
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