Visual perception
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- Created by: maisiewillmoth
- Created on: 16-03-19 09:09
Perception 1 is focused on:
perception, motion and action
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light enters the eyes from
the illuminated environment
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perceptions starts when
light from the illuminated environment meets our eyes
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perception models main question
top-down or bottom-up?
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bottom up processing assumed to be a
serial process
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what is a serial process?
next step cannot start until current is finished
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perception model; bottom-up? stimulus -> attention ->
perception -> thought process -> decision -> action/response
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What is said about top-down processing
sometimes our expectations and knowledge influence cognition
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rather than?
the stimulus itself
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top down processing example - the letter 'B'
if we do not get the full picture, if there's letter around we think it's a 'B' if there's numbers around, we would think it's a 13
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top-down or bottom up? questions?
is perception indirect? is perception not driven entirely by the stimulus properties?
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does perception depend on internal processes? do we need to 'reconstruct' in the external environment
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constructivist approach is
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it is the notion that perception is
the end result of a process which begins with sensory stimulation and involve interpreting the information
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thus perception is
indirect and relies on internal processes
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Richard Gregory's theory is good at explaining
illusions - Eye and brain: the psychology of seeing (1966)
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Constructivist approach; sensation ->
interpretation/ inference -> perception
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direct perception can also be called?
ecological psychology
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it is the idea that awareness of the world (object, patterns etc) is
essentially determined by the info present to the sense
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thus, perception is a direct process based on
sensory information
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this is outlines in
Gibson's ''The ecological approach to visual perception''
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James J Gibson argued for a more
comprehensive view of the visual system
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because it has been evolved to allow us to interact with the environment
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what is the mainstream psychology view in perception?
the function of our visual system is object recognition
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For Gibson, there is no perception without
action and no action without perception
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Gibson's approach was/ still is
very radical
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It's all about surfaces and
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Gibson's work started WWII when asked to train
pilots quickly
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he was asked to filter out potential
and non-potential pilots prior to training
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what's the most difficult part of flying?
take off and landing
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why? to land, you need to know where you are relative to
airstrip, angle of approach, and how to modify angle so that you can aim
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therefore, what must be important?
depth perception
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but tests based on pictorial cues of depth didn't
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Surfaces VS
plane (Gibson, 1979)
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plane (e.g. horizontal plane) is the
abstract notion of a flat surfaces
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it lacks some of the qualities of
a textured surface
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such as: a surface is substantial and
is never perfectly transparent
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a surface can also only be seen while
the plane only visualised
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there is structure in
the surfaces that exist in our environment
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which structures the
light that reaches the observer
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it is not the mere stimulation by light that
leads to perception; it is the structure of light
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Textures - Gibson; started to suggest that we shouldn't look on
depth or space perception
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but instead?
on the perception of surfaces in the environment
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textured surfaces are all around us (pebbles, sand, grass etc.) and
provide useful information
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distance & depth, shape & slant, layout of objects
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how is shape & slant in everyday life?
can see stairs, this info comes from shape
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textures should give
layouts of objects
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optic array is the pattern of light
reaching the eye
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it is structured and contains information about the environment
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what is a vital property of the optic ray?
it will transform as the observer moves
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this allows information from both
the layout and shapes of objects
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and about the
observer's movement relative to the world
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when the person moves, the whole
perception does
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by sitting up we can change the way
the light reaches our eyes
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Example of transformation - the fence
each segment represents us stood at a different angle, but it is still the same fence
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in transformation - the relative motions in the optic array correlate with
the layout of the objects
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optic flow is the apparent
motion of stationary objects and surfaces relative to a mobile observer
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optic flow and the focus of expansion - as proposed by
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Gibson proposed how we can use
optic flow:
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he said that when we move in a straight path,
all objects & surfaces appear to expand in a radical pattern
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the current direction of the observed is the
origin on a single point
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the single point is called
the focus of expansion
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during forward movements,
the focus of expansion indicates the direction of travel
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in this way, the animal can
see where it is going
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to change direction, the animal can
reposition the focus of expansion in that direction
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because the focus of expansion always coincides with the direction of instantaneous heading
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flow helps us to know
where we are going
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optic flow helps us to know
whether we are going left or right
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What is gaze?
eye + head position
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with mobile gaze the focus of expansion doesn't provide
information about the direction of heading since it is displaced due to eye-movements
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optic or retinal flow? Regan and
Beverly (1982) introduced retinal flow
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this describes the
pattern that is actually available at the retina
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can we decompose the retinal flow pattern to
access info about our instantaneous heading through the focus of expansion
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to ways have been proposed, 1?
use decomposition algorithms to recover an estimate of linear heading
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use the information from efferent signals already known to the systems to subtract the rotational component introduced by eye or neck movements
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The case for mobile gaze - how many points?
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having mobile gaze = not necessarily detrimental to locomotion
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2? when rotational component is
added in the optic flow field by executing eye-movements direction of heading is judged accurately
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3? Wilkie and Wann showed
when driving in a stimulated environment, P's performed better when allowed to use natural eye-movements as opposed to visually tracking the middle of the road
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4? Wann, et al., went further and
suggested we don't need to retrieve heading at all, we can use retinal flow to get the direction of our future path
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flow equalization theory suggests that optic flow
is not just used for heading
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the case with
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as they tend to
fly in the middle of narrow gaps
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Srinivasan et al trained honeybees to
fly in the middle of a patterned tunnel that led to food
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the walls of the tunnel could move - this provided
different flow speeds at each side of the tunnel
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when motion was introduced to one of the tunnel walls
honeybees altered their flying pattern moving towards the side that appeared slow
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Tammero & Dickinson, 2002 - works on straight paths
curvilinear trajectories are inherently asymmetrical
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flow averaging - in a study where optic flow asymmetries on a
curved trajectory was introduced
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instead of p's steering towards slower moving side they
averaged flow speed from the two sides to derive to a global flow speed estimates (Kountouriotis et al 2016)
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when slow-moving vectors are clouded we perceive them to be
moving faster
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when the faster moving points are occluded, we perceive them to be
moving slower
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as we only reply on the central, slower-moving parts
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another use of the optic flow field in 1976 by?
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what is this used to calculate?
the time-to-contact with an object or surface - including the strategy by gannets
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it could divide our estimate of objects distance by our
estimate of the objects speed
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however this info is not
readily available to use
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Tau overcomes this since it is using the size of
the retinal imagine of the object
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divided by
its rate of expansion
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this means that the faster it expands -
the less time is to contact
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time-to-contact uses the size of the retinal image of the object
divided by its rate of expansion
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the faster it expands =
the less time there is to contact
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Affordance - the end product of perception is not
an internal representation of the visual world
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but the detection of
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i.e. what does this surface or object
offer to the animal?
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all of the potential uses (affordances) of an object are
directly perceivable
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objects often can have
several affordances
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current psychological state determines
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different species will perceive different
affordances from the same objects
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Affordances example - Warren 1984
showed P's pictures of stairs with differently proportioned steps
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then asked P's whether
steps were climbable or unclimbable
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Warren 1984 - 24 P's divided into groups;
short groups (5ft4in) and tall (mean height 6ft2)
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both groups judged stairways as
unclimbable at a riser height in proportion to their leg lengths
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Another affordance example comes from
Will et al 2013
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what did they do?
showed P's pics of objects with similar shape but differing in graspability
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P's were asked to
life their arm to perform a reach-like movement
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the onset of the muscular activity was
faster for graspable objects than non-grapsable
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the affordance of graspability is known to
the motor system
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summary of VP1.... infra we pick up from textures/ surfaces e.g.
WWII pilots, depth perception, distance & depth, shape & slant and layout ob objects = important
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summary of VP1... how optic flow can be used to judge our heading & influence trajectories -
OF; during forward movement focus of expansion indicated direction of travel, to change direction reposition focus of expansion in that direction
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summary of VP1... term affordance from a direct perception perspective -
all of potential uses (affordance) of objects = directly perceivable, diff species perceive diff affordances from the same objects
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Perception 2:
face recogntion
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face recognition is the most common way of
identifying people
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face recognition differs from
other forms of object recognition
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prosopagnosic P's unable to
recognise familiar faces
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this can even extend to
their own face in a mirror
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however, they have some ability to
recognise familiar objects
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the inability to recognise faces doesn't occur because
they have forgotten the people concerned
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as they can still recognise
voices and names
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how many reasons have been suggested for prosopagnosia?
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precise descrimination
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PD: been suggested these p's have problems in recognising faces silly because
because more precise discriminations are required to recognise different in faces than differences in objects e.g. chair and table
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specific processing mechanisms involved in face recognition
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SPM: DeRenzi (1986) - Prosopagnostic p who was very good at making fine discriminations e.g.between Italian coins but
unable to recognise family and friends by sight
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Ellis and Young 1988 suggested
there are face-specific processes
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Sergent, Ohta and MacDonald (1992) - P's categorised as
living or natural VS non-living, man-made, or categories well-known faces as belonging to actors or non-actors
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found; brain areas specifically active in face identification tended to be
forward to those active in object recognition
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also discovered; several areas in the right hemisphere - more active in
face identification than object
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configurational information - when we recognise a face in a photograph there are
2 major kinds of information we might use:
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information about individual features e.g. eye colour
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information about configuration or overall arrangement of the features
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many approach to face recognition are based on
a feature approach
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Young, Hellawell and Hay (1987) constructed faces from photography by
combing the top halves and bottom halves of different famous faces
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when the two halves were closely aligned, P's
experienced great difficulty in naming the top halves
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however, their performance was much better when
2 halves weren't closely aligned
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presumably - close alignment produced
new configuration which interfered with face recognition
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Searcy and Bartlett 1996 - reported face processing is not
solely configurational
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and that facial distortions in photos were produced in how many different ways?
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configural distortions - e.g. moving the eyes up and mouth down
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component distortions - blurring pulls of the eyes to produce cataracts, blackening teeth and discolouring remaining teeth
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the photos were then presented upright or
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and the P's gave them
grotesqueness ratings on a 7-point scale
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the findings suggest that
component distortions are readily detected in both upright and inverted faces
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whereas, configurable distortions are often
not detected in inverted faces
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thus meaning?
configurational and component processing can both be used with upright faces
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but the processing of inverted faces is
largely limited to component processing
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most research on face recognition has
used photos or other 2D stimuli
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there are at least how many potential limitations of such research?
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viewing an actual 3-D face provides more info for the observer than does a 2-D
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people's faces are normally mobile, registering emotional states, agreement or disagreement with what is being said, and so on
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none of these dynamic changes over time is
available in photos
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Bruce and valentine 1988 - small illuminated
lights were spread over a face, then filmed in the dark so only lights could be seen
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P's showed some ability to determine the sex and
identity of each face on the basis of movements of the lights
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they were also very good at
identifying expressive movements (such as smiling or frowning)
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Models of facial recognition - 2 major theorists
Bruce & Young 1986, Burton & Bruce 1993
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B&Y 1986 - there are
major differences in the processing of familiar and unfamiliar faces
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familiar faces?
primarily depends on structural encoding, face recognition units, person identity nodes, and name generation
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unfamiliar faces?
involves structural encoding, expression analysis, facial speech analysis, and directed visual processing
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they argued that
several different types of info that can obtained from faces and which corresponds to the 8 components of their model:
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it consists of;
structural encoding, expression analysis, facial speech analysis, directed visual processing, face recognition units, person identity nodes, name generation, cognitive system
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structural encoding?
produces various representations or descriptions corresponding apron to those identified within Marr's 1982 model
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expression analysis?
Indi's emotional state can be inferred from analysis of their facial features
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facial speech analysis?
speech perception can be facilitated by detailed observation of speakers lip movements
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directed visual processing?
for certain purposes e.g. decide whether psychologists have beards - specific facial information may be processed selectively
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face recognition units?
each face recognition unit contains structural information about one of the faces known to the viewer
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person identity nodes
provide info about person concerned e.g. interests, friends, contexts in which encountered
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name generation:
person's name stored separately from other info
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cognitive system
contains additional info e.g. that actors/ actresses usually have attractive faces
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cognitive systems also plays an important part in
determining which component/s of the system receive attention
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Bruce 1988 - evidence
lab studies on norm individuals, cog neuropsychology investigations of brain damage P's and diary studies
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malone, Morris, kay and levin 1982 - if it were possible to find
P's who show good recognition of familiar faces
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but for recognition of
unfamiliar faces
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another patients who showed
the opposite pattern
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this would provide strong evidence that
the processes involved in the recognition of familiar and unfamiliar faces = different
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so what did they do?
obtained evidence in line with these predictions
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they tested 1 P who showed
reasonable ability to recognise photographs of famous statesmen
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how many correct?
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but he was severely impaired in a task matching
unfamiliar faces
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2nd P = quite different -
performed at normal level on matching unfamiliar faces
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but had great difficulty in recognising
faces of famous people (5/22)
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this indicates that
the name generation component can be accessed only via the appropriate person identity node
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the model predicts that one should never be able to
put a name to a face without at the same time having other available info about the person
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what does this explain?
why people frequently forget names
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young, hay and ellis 1985 - asked P's to keep
diary record of specific face recognition problems experience day-to-day
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how many incidents?
1008 altogether
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not once did a subject report
putting a name to a face while knowing nothing else about the person
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there was 190 occasions where the subject could
remember a fair amount of info about the person but unable to remember name
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most brain damaged P's who cannot put
names to faces have great difficulty in naming ordinary objects
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in such cases as previously mentioned, it is not simply
name generation component of face-recognition system which is impaired
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McKenna and warrington 1980 - patient
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naming problems seemed to be specific to
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was able to accurately supply info about
90% of famous people whose photos she saw - could only name 15%
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named 80% EU cities and
100% English town
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according to the model, another kind of problem should be
fairly common
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if appropriate face recognition unit is activated but the person identity node isn't, then
should be a feeling of familiarity coupled with inability to think of any relevant info about them
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in set of incidents collected by Young et al 1985 how many occasions was this reported?
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further predictions ... 1;
when we look at familiar face, familiarity info from face recognition unit should be accessed first
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followed by
info about that person from person identity node
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followed by
the person's nae from name generation component
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basically... familiarity decisions about a face should be made faster than
decisions based on identity nodes
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continued... Young et al., 1986b - discovered P's decided whether or not
face = familiar faster than whether or not it was a politicians
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decisions based on person identity nodes should be made faster than
those based on the word generation component
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1986a - found P's = faster to decide
whether face belonged to political than producing persons name
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Cog neuropsychological evidence - practically no brain-damaged p's can
put names to faces without knowing anything else about the person - but several p's show the opposite pattern
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flude et al., 1989 - Patient EST - able to retrieve occupations for
85% of very familiar people when presented with faces, but recall only 15% of names
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overview: convincing evidence that - the model of B&Y 1986 provides
coherent account of various kinds of info about faces and ways in which these kinds of info are related to each other
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overview: convincing evidence that - several different components =
involved in face processing
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overview: convincing evidence that - differences in the processing of familiar and
unfamiliar faces are clearly identified
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overview: convincing evidence that - familiar and unfamiliar faces are
typically processed quite differently
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overview: convincing evidence that - the model proposed by B&Y 1986 is on the right lines:
a) information about familiar faces accessed sequentially and b) the order in which different kinds of info are accessed also corresponds to theoretical assumptions
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The main inadequacies of the model relate to: 1.
insufficient specification of some of the components and processes involved in face recognition:
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a) the cog system - B&Y 1986 serves to
catch all those aspects of processing not reflected in other components of our model
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b) the account of the processing of unfamiliar faces is
much less detailed than the one offered for familiar faces
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it has been found with both familiar and unfamiliar faces that
the speed and accuracy of recognition is affected by the context in which a face is presented
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with familiar faces contextual information about individual's occupation/ where they have been previously encountered activates
person identity node - and in turn activates appropriate face recognition unit facilitating the recognition of a face as familiar
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in the case of unfamiliar faces,
context effects have also been found
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example - unfamiliar faces are recognised better if hey are shown for a second time against
same background context as the first showing
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however the previous finding is
hard to incorporate within the model
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overview: convincing evidence that - 2, evidence is inconsistent with the assumption that
names can be accessed only via relevant autobiographical info stored at the person identity node
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amnestic P - ME could match
faces and names of 88% of famous people for whom she was unable to recall any autobiographical info
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overview: convincing evidence that - 3, important for theory that some p's show better recognition for
familiar faces than unfamiliar faces, whereas others show the opposite pattern
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this double dissociation was obtained by
Malone et al 1982 but has proved difficult to replicate
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example - Young et al. 1993 - unsuccessfully studied
34 brain-damaged men
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5 of the p's had
selective impairment of expression analysis - but there was much weaker evidence of selective impairment of familiar or unfamiliar face recogniton
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young et al 1993 - argued that
previous research may have produced misleading conclusions because of meth limitations
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interactive activation and competition model - Burton and Bruce (1993) developed
the bruce and young model 1986
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one of the features is that there is separate store for names which can only be accessed
via relevant autobiographical info stored at person identity node
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Dehaan et al., 1991 contradict this - they investigated
amnestic P - ME
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she was able to match faces and names of
88% of famous people for whom she unable to recall autobiographical information
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the fact her PINs were damaged should have prevented
matching names and faces
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Burton, bruce and Johnston 1990/ Burton and bruce 1993
revised and developed bruce and young model
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assumed there were how many pools of information?
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1 - FRU
face recognition units - contains stored info about specific faces
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2 - PINs
person identity nodes - gateways into semantic info and can be activated by verbal input about people's names as well as by facial input
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PINs provide info about the
familiarity of Indi's based on either verbal or facial info
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3 - SIUs and NRUs
semantic information unit and name recognition units - contain name and other info about Indi's and names
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there are bi-directional excitatory links between
pools - etc unit it linked to others by means of inhibitory connections
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a face is recognised as familiar when
level of activity in appropriate PIN reaches threshold level of activation; same mechanism is involved in recognition on basis of name, voice or other information
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experimental evidence - the model has been applied to
associative priming effects that have been found with faces
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for example; time taken to decide whether face is familiar is reduced when
face of related person is shown immediately beforehand
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experimental evidence - according to model the first face activates
SIUs - which feedback activation the PIN of that face and related faces
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then then speeds up
familiar decision for the second face
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PINs can be activated by both
names and faces - follows that associative priming for familiarity decisions on faces hold be found when the name of a person e.g. prince Phillip, followed by face of a related person e.g. queen Liz
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differences between IAC model and Bruce & Young's 1986 Model -
3 points
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1 - no separate store for names as both stored in the
SIUs in Burton & bruce 1993 and Buce & young; name info only accessed after autobiographical info
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2- familiarity decisions made at the
PIN level rather than FRU
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3 - model is more
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it can account for findings of DeHaan et al 1991 - the fact that
amnesic patient ME could match names to face in spite of being unable to access autobiographical info is more consistent with Burton and Bruce 1993
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Cohen 1990 found faces produced better
recall of names than of occupations when the names were meaningful and the occupations were meaningless
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this couldn't happen according to the Bruce and Young 1986 model, but
proposes no problems for the Burton and Bruce 1993
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
light enters the eyes from
the illuminated environment
Card 3
perceptions starts when

Card 4
perception models main question

Card 5
bottom up processing assumed to be a

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