Virgil 887-952
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- Created by: Holly
- Created on: 17-06-13 09:59
Aeneas instat contra
Aeneas meanwhile pressed on
1 of 71
telumque coruscat
he brandished his spear
2 of 71
ingens arboreum
as huge as a tree
3 of 71
et saevo sic pectore fatur
and he spoke as follows from his cruel heart:
4 of 71
'quae nunc deinde mora est? autquid iam, Turne, retractus?
'what now is the delay then? or why do you Turnus now draw back?
5 of 71
non cursu saevis certandum est comminus armis
you must comete not in race with savage weapons face to face
6 of 71
verte omnes te in facies et contrane quidquid
turn yourself into all shapes and summon up whatever
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sive animis sive arte uales;
you are strong whether in spirit or skill;
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opta ardua pennis astra sequi
choose to head for the high stars on wings
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clausumque caua te condere terra.'
and to hide shut up in the hollow earth.'
10 of 71
ille caput quassans;
shaking his head the other/ that man said;
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'non me tua fervida terrent dicta, ferox; di me terrent et Iuppiter hostis.'
'your seething words don't scare me, you savage man, the gods and Juppiter (my) enemy scare me'
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nec plura effatus saxum circum spicit ingens
saying nothing more , he looked round and caught sight of a huge rock
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saxum antiquum ingens, campo quod forte iacebat
a huge ancient rock, which by chance was lying in the field
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limes agro posituslitem ut discerneret arvis.
a boundary-stone placed in the field to settle a disput about farmland
15 of 71
vix illum lecti sex cervice subivent
tweleve choosen men could scarcely support it on shoulder
16 of 71
qualia nunc hominum producit corpora tellus
bodies of men such as the earth produces now
17 of 71
ille manu raptum trepida torquebat in hostem altior insurgens et cursu concitus heros
that hero, rising up higher [to his full height] and rushing at speed, tried to hurl the [stone] he'd seized at the enemy with trembling hand
18 of 71
sed neque currentem se nec cognoscit euntem tollentemue manu saxumue immane moventem
but he had no sense of himself neither as he ran, or as he went, or as he lifted or as he moved the huge rock wit hand
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genua labant gelidus con crevit frigore sanguis.
his knees gave way and his blood cold with a chill, froze.
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tum lapis ipse viri vacuum per inane volutus
then the stone itself rolling across the space empty of man [where no man was]
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nec spatium evasit totum neque pertulit ictum.
nor did it pass over the whole space, nor did it carry home its blow
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ac velut in somnis, oculos ubi languida pressit nocte quies
and just as in dreams when exhausted sleep forces [our] eyes to close
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nequiquam avidos extendere cursus velle videmur
at night we seem to want to stretch out our eager running
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et in mediis conatibus aegri succidimus
and in the middle of our struggles we fall down feebly
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non lingua valet, non corpore notae sufficiunt vires
our tongue lacks strength, our familiar strength fails our body
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nec vox aut verba sequuntur
neither voice nor words obey
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sic Turno, quacumque viam virtute petivit, successum dea dira negat
in just this way the terrible goddes [the Fury] denied success to Turnus what whatever courage he sought a way [no matter how hard he tried]
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tum pectore sensus vertuntur varii
then changing feelings whirled around in his heart
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Rutulos aspectat et urbem
he looked towards the Rutulians and the city (Laurentum#0
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cunctaturque metu cetumque instare tremescit
and he hesitated in fear and he trembled death was pressing
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nec quo se eripiat, nec qua vi tendat in hostem ... videt
he saw neither to where he could escape, nor with what strength he could attack his enemy
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nec currus usquam (videt) aurigamue sororem
nor his chariot anywhere nor his sister the charioteer
33 of 71
cunctanti telum Aeneas fatale coruscat
whilst delayed Aeneas brandished his deadly spear
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sortitus fortunam oculis
chancing upon a lucky oppportunity with his eyes
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et corpore toto eminus intorquet
and he hurls it while spinning from afar with all his body (strength)
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murali concita numquam tormento sic saxa fremunt
stones hurled from a seige engine never roar in this way
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nec fulmire tanti dissultant crepitus
nor to crashes burst forth from a lightening bolt sound
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volat atri turbinis instar ... hasta
the spear flies like a black/grim whirlwind
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ferens orasque recludit loricae
bringing dreaful ruin and pierces the edge of the breast plate
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et clipei extremos septemplicis orbis
and the outer layers of the seven layered shield
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per midium stridens transit femur
it penetrates throught the middle of his thigh, hissing
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incidit ictus ingens ad terram duplicato poplite Turnus
mightly Turnus, hit, fell to the ground with his knee crumpled
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consurgunt gemitu Rutuli totusque remugit mons circum
the Rutulians rose up with a groan and the whole mountain bellowed back
44 of 71
et vocem late nemora alta remittunt
and the high forests (on the mounatin) re-echoed [their] cri far and wide
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ille humilis supllex oculos dextramque precantem protendens
he humbly gazing up at Aeneas and stretching out his right hand and begging for mercy as a suppliant;
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'equidem merui nec deprecor' inquit
'i certainly have deserved nor do i plead an excuse' he siad
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'utere sorte tua
make use of your good fortune/opportunity
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miseri te si qua parentis tangere cura potest
if concern for a wretched parent can affect you in anyway
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(fuit et tibi talis Anchises genitor)
(Anchises was such a father to you too)
50 of 71
oro ..()... Dauni miserere senectae
I beg pity the old age of Daunus
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et me, seu corpus spoliatum lumine mavis redde meis
and give me back to my family, or if you prefer my body robbed of ligt
52 of 71
vicisti et victum tendere palmas Ausonii videre;
you have won and the Italians have seen defeated stretch out my hands
53 of 71
tua est Lavinia coniunx
Lavinia is your wife
54 of 71
ulterius ne tende odiis.'
don't carry on your hatred any further.'
55 of 71
stetit acer in armis Aeneas
Aeneas (still) stood fierce in his armour
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volvens oculos
rolling his eyes
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dextramque repressit
and checked his right hand
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et iam iamque magis cunctantem flectere sermo coeperat
and now and now the speech began to influence more (Aeneas) as he hesitated
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infelix umero cum apparuit alto balteus
when the ill fated baldric came into view high on his shoulder
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et nottis fulserunt cingula bullis Pallantis pueri
and the sword bely of the boy Pallas shone with the studs familar
61 of 71
victum quem vulnere Turnus straverat
whom Turnus had defeated with a wound and slain [lit: whom, having been defeated with a wound, Turnus had slain]
62 of 71
at que umeris inimicum insigne gerebat
and he was wearing on his shouulder, as a badge taken from his enemy
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ille, oculis postquam saevi monimenta doloris exuviasque hausit, furiis accensus et ira terribilis;
that man, after he drunk in the remains of his savage pain and the spoils of war with his eyes, inflamed with fury and terrifiing in his rage;
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'tune hinc spoliis indute meorum eripiare mihi?
'Are you at this point going to be snatched from me clothed in the spoils of my friend?
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Pallas te hoc vulnere (Pallas) immolat
Pallas sacrifies you with this wound
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Pallas (immolat) et poenam scelerato ex sanguine sumit!
and Pallas takes punishment from your wicked blood!'
67 of 71
hoc dicens ferrum aduerso sub pectore condit fervidus;
saying this in a seething rage he buried the sword deep in his chest as it faced him;
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ast illi solvuntur frigore membra
but his limbs relaxed witht he cold
69 of 71
vitaque cum gemitu fugit
and his soul fled with a groan
70 of 71
indignata sub umbras
down to the shadows of indignation
71 of 71
Other cards in this set
Card 2
telumque coruscat
he brandished his spear
Card 3
ingens arboreum
Card 4
et saevo sic pectore fatur
Card 5
'quae nunc deinde mora est? autquid iam, Turne, retractus?
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