VICTIMOLOGY 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCrime and devianceA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Ciara_TCreated on: 21-04-18 21:10 LEA AND YOUNG [victimisation surveys] Black w.class young men most likely victims - usually from actions of other w.class young black men - ALSO victims of racist police 1 of 5 Studies of Consequences: MAGUIRE only 32% of burglary victims said loss of belongings were worst aspect 2 of 5 Studies of Consequence: SHAPLAND 75% of assault victims still express concerns about incidents 2 and a half years later 3 of 5 Studies of Consequences: MORRIS victims of child abuse often continue to suffer shame and guilt as an adult 4 of 5 SOURCES OF DATA police and court stats // Nat Victimisation Surveys // Local Victim Surveys e.g. Islington 5 of 5
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