Qualitative approach to utilitarianism and different types of pleasure
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What does she say about Benthams idea of pleasure?
He says that there are higher/lower order pleasures
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What is the difference between the higher and lower order pleasure?
Higher order pleasure - goin to the opera and makes the mind more intellegent. The lower order pleasure: Eating to the chocolate and pleasing the physical rather than the mental.
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Mill says there are feelings that are above happinesss, they are;
Truth,love,justice and other exaples
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John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism is called?
Rule utilitarianism
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What does rule utilitarianism claim?
An action is right if it complies with the rules
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What does act utilitarianism claim?
Any action is right as long as it pleasures the majority
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Mill's analogy:
It is better to be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfied
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Strong utilitarianism:
Rules must never be broken
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Weak rule utilitarianism:
Rules can be broken depending on the circumstance
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What is the harm principe?
A power can be rightfully exercised on an individual if the person is causing harm to others or themself.
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What does the harm principle make sure of?
Minorities are not being exploited for pleasure of the majority
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is an implication?
Something that is naturally supposed to be understood