Utilitarianism Quiz Testing Your Utilitarianism Facts 3.0 / 5 based on 9 ratings ? Religious StudiesEthicsASAQA Created by: Holly SchwarzenbergCreated on: 08-01-11 13:01 The rightness or wrongness of an act is determined by.. Its usefulness 1 of 8 What does Fecundity Mean In The Hedonic calculus? Will More pleasure follow 2 of 8 What is important for JS MILL? the common good for all 3 of 8 The greatest happiness principle is.. The Greatest good for the greatest number 4 of 8 It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a ____ satisfied? a pig 5 of 8 What Are Higher Pleasures? Pleasures Of Mind (spiritual) 6 of 8 Who Devised Preference Utilitarianism? (Moral actions are right or wrong according to how they fit in the preferences of those involved) Singer 7 of 8 What is a strength of utilitarianism ? It is used in hospitals to determine which department deserves more funding 8 of 8