Utilitarian Philosophers 2.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyASAQA Created by: noilyzzilCreated on: 07-03-15 16:09 The philosopher who founded the utilitarianism movement bentham 1 of 6 Following closely after bentham, this philosopher's works involve the consideration of the quality of pleasure Mill 2 of 6 The type of utilitarianism that Bentham is accredited to Act 3 of 6 The type of utilitarianism that says that the way to act is to follow those rules that, when followed universally, would produce the most happiness Rule 4 of 6 Karl Popper's utilitarianism is called ? Utilitarianism Negative 5 of 6 Who invented preference utilitarianism? peter... singer 6 of 6
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