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USSR ; stalin exercise power over party + state ; stalin's power over
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- Created by: ilovetheoffice
- Created on: 25-04-18 13:35
1 of 95
in '24 how many politburo members were there?
2 of 95
and those were?
bukharin / kamzino / kamenev / rykov / tomsky / trotsky / stalin
3 of 95
by 1930 how many of these were left?
1 (stalin, as if you needed to be told)
4 of 95
the others had been removed over which late '20s disputes?
economic policy
5 of 95
who replaced them?
stalin's cronies?
6 of 95
molotov + voroshilov
7 of 95
so stalin could ensure what?
politburo all agreed with his policies
8 of 95
as 1930s went on what happened to meetings of party institutions?
met less frequently as stalin increased conrotl
9 of 95
in 1920s how often did politburo meet?
one a week
10 of 95
but by mid '30s how many times a year?
11 of 95
what did power become focused in that stalin could exercise further control over?
subgroups outside politburo
12 of 95
what intimidating tactic would stalin use at important meetings?
walking around the room while others spoke
13 of 95
what was there real fear of?
execution if saying something agreeable
14 of 95
in the example of rychagov (commander airforce) what had he comlained about?
quality of aircraft
15 of 95
16 of 95
what did this illustrate the failure of?
democratic institutions to develop
17 of 95
what did the constitution seem to be at face value?
highly democratic
18 of 95
who was to be given vote?
erry ussr citizen
19 of 95
which meant who could now vote that couldn't before?
the bourgeois classes
20 of 95
why did he allow this vote?
bc those classes apparently didnt exist anymore
21 of 95
civil rights given like which three?
freedom of press / religion / organisation
22 of 95
also guarantee of what, which differed from many capitalist countries?
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because ca countries were suffering from?
great depression
24 of 95
but was it rlly democratic?
if you said yes just don't take the exam
25 of 95
who were allowed to be candidates in elections?
only members of communist party
26 of 95
government announced democratic political parties were just product of?
class conflicts generated by capitalisn
27 of 95
so why did SU only need one party?
bc those conflicts no longer applied
28 of 95
what did the wording of the constitution also hope to convinnce other countries like britain and france?
they had good democratic credentials
29 of 95
which would make them good allies in what fight?
against nazis
30 of 95
but what reality of the '30s convinced few observers of constitution claims?
the great purges
31 of 95
32 of 95
- personal limits
33 of 95
what was completely inhumanly possible?
for him to keep control of every issue ever
34 of 95
because it was impossible for him to do what in a country the size of russia?
survey all necessary material to keep on top of events
35 of 95
therefore this situation required stalin to do what?
prioritise focus on issues important to him
36 of 95
- limits from w/in leadership
37 of 95
molotov stayed loyal to stalin even when what happened with his wife?
she was imprisoned in the purges
38 of 95
when did stalin want to execute ryutin?
39 of 95
what happened with the politburo
they refused to agree
40 of 95
and instead what happened?
sentenced to 10yrs in labour camp
41 of 95
stalin's ambitious targets for which 5yp were considered too high?
42 of 95
what did even members of the politburo feel these wouold lead to?
chaos and opposition
43 of 95
so what was stalin forced to do?
hurriedly redraft with lower targets
44 of 95
who was the popular leningrad party leader?
45 of 95
and what did he possibly represent?
moderate faction in leadership
46 of 95
secured more votes than stalin in elections to central committee in what event in which year?
party congress of '34
47 of 95
what did some politburo members express concern over increasing use of?
48 of 95
why didn't head of gosplay express these concerns when he almsot did?
died of heart attach in '35
49 of 95
what did commissar for heavy industry raise objections to?
use of terror during politburo meetings
50 of 95
how did stain try to unnerve him?
arresting and shooting his deputy
51 of 95
then what happened to orzhonikidze in 1937?
officially heart attack but rlly suicide
52 of 95
what happened to voroshilov and kalinin who were doubters?
became isolated in politburp
53 of 95
- limits from below
54 of 95
what did party members push for policies that would expand?
55 of 95
in 1930 stalin published a statement chastising those w/in the party that were dizzy...?
'with success'
56 of 95
in implementing what policy overzealously?
57 of 95
also evidence of local level purges resulting as conflict between which two groups?
local Party members / regional authorities
58 of 95
59 of 95
when did germany invade the soviet union?
60 of 95
who undertook the co-ordination of the country's administration in the war?
State Defence Committee (GKO)
61 of 95
who were military co-ordinated through?
62 of 95
what reduced through war?
use of terror
63 of 95
and what hapened to some generals like Zhukov and ex-party officials?
released from labour camp so expertise could be used for war effort
64 of 95
party used propaganda often appealing to what for the war effort?
russian nationalism
65 of 95
this had the effect of increasing stalin's power as he was presented as what?
symbol for unity
66 of 95
when exactly did the germans invade?
22 june dawn '41
67 of 95
what happened to stalin?
so shocked he seemed to have had a breakdown
68 of 95
where did he go for several days?
his dacha (country villa)
69 of 95
but who coaxed him into action?
polonius, oh sorry no i mean molotov basically the same person right
70 of 95
what after the war was soviet victory often attributed to?
stalin the hero of the soviet ppl
71 of 95
72 of 95
what were the last few yrs of stalin's rule concerned with after wwii?
73 of 95
what was used to reinforce control after the relaxations of the war?
terror, i know, shocker right?
74 of 95
and what were withdrawn?
75 of 95
especially where?
orthodox church
76 of 95
in '49 stalin celebrated which brithday?
his 70th
77 of 95
what gave stalin the facade of enormous power?
his stupid cult of personality
78 of 95
but what started to happen after the war?
his health declined and those around him were in rivalry for power + influence
79 of 95
what did stalin increasingly rely on to divide rivals to power and minimise their threat?
political scheming
80 of 95
immediately after the war what happened to stlain's old associates like molotov?
getting replaced by the younger generation
81 of 95
among new generation politburo members who were two key rivals?
malenkov and beria
82 of 95
what '51 event involved a purge of the georgian party removing some of beria's allied?
the mingrellian affair
83 of 95
purge seemed to be targeted at what people?
mingrellian nationality
84 of 95
who shared this nationality?
85 of 95
stalin's manouvering at the party congress of which year also illustrates his tactics?
86 of 95
what did he rename the politburo?
87 of 95
and enlarged from 10 to how many members?
88 of 95
evidence stalin was planning another large purge in 1953 entitled?
the doctors plot
89 of 95
in what month were a group of doctors arrested?
90 of 95
and accused of?
trynig to assassinate the leadership
91 of 95
this doctors plot may have been a prelude of terror against which group?
92 of 95
but most likely first step toward elimination of which rival?
93 of 95
stalin's power within leadership had been in decline since what year?
94 of 95
what could he only maintain his position through at that point?
terror and intrigue
95 of 95
Other cards in this set
Card 2
in '24 how many politburo members were there?
Card 3
and those were?

Card 4
by 1930 how many of these were left?

Card 5
the others had been removed over which late '20s disputes?

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