ussr ; fall ; political failures ; impact on party 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 03-05-18 11:06 gorby became inreasingly frustrated with his failure to change whose minds? conservative party members 1 of 58 reform failure left many reformers convinced the solution was to move towards wht? pluralism 2 of 58 what is pluralism? political system with more than one political party in elections 3 of 58 pluralism opened multi-party system where communists would have to do what? earn thier right to govern 4 of 58 IMPACT ON COMMUNIST PARTY UNITY ddg 5 of 58 - increasing party divisions gdgg 6 of 58 gorby's failure to bring substantial reform to party alienated which two groups? 'liberals' and 'conservatives' 7 of 58 increasing divisions undermined who's authority? groby 8 of 58 who struggled to do what? find common ground 9 of 58 - alienating reformers dgdgd 10 of 58 who was one of the more radical reformers? yeltsin 11 of 58 for that group there was increasing realisation of what? party woudlnt carry throughreforms 12 of 58 disagreements between gorby and yeltsin came to a head t what event? plenum of the central committee 13 of 58 when? october '87 14 of 58 yeltsin openly attacked groby's approach to reform as being? too slow 15 of 58 what happened to him? sacked as party first secretary in moscow 16 of 58 and removed from? politburo 17 of 58 when? february '88 18 of 58 - alienating conservatives dfgdfg 19 of 58 when did hard-line communists attempt to strike back + gain some control? march '88 20 of 58 while gorby was where? on diplomatic trip to yugoslavia 21 of 58 what letter was published in newspaper? sovetskaya russia 22 of 58 by unnown communist? nina andreeva 23 of 58 letter complained about constant undermining of whose work? stalin 24 of 58 and attacked glasnost for what? demoralising impact 25 of 58 who was acting leader in gorby's absence? ligachev 26 of 58 took initiative and used letter as opportunity to do what? attack reform pace 27 of 58 why was support for this especially worrying for gorby? not only stalin broner folks but also ppl of his own appts like chebrikov 28 of 58 - development of factions gdgd 29 of 58 arguemtns between libs and cons occured where? in politburo / central committee 30 of 58 impact of democratisation was to open up both sides to? possibility of both sides appealing to wider public for support 31 of 58 were party factiosn allowed? no 32 of 58 informal groups started to emerge during elections for? congress of people's deputies 33 of 58 reformers like yeltsin formed? inter-regional group 34 of 58 and conservatives formed? soyuz 35 of 58 for those worried about upholding what? territorial integrity of ussr 36 of 58 when congress met these groups formed unofficial opposition to hwat? gov 37 of 58 - abolition of article 6 dgdgd 38 of 58 if party couldn't be reformed then what was the only logical conclusion? end party's political monopoly 39 of 58 article 6 of constitution sated communist party held position of? 'leading and guiding force of society and the nucleus of its political system' 40 of 58 this article enshrined what? the one-party astate 41 of 58 and therfore became target for critics that wished to do what? push for real democracy 42 of 58 how did conservatives within party view article? non-negotiable 43 of 58 when did groby finally repeal it? march '90 44 of 58 why? growing liberal opp and continued resisance 45 of 58 this ended party's monopoly and now allowed what? other patries to contest electons 46 of 58 by end of what year were commies powerless? '90 47 of 58 what had local soviet elections seen? communists defeated cross-country 48 of 58 in leningrad opposition secured what % seats? 60% 49 of 58 non-russian republic support for nationalist groups grw especially wher? baltic states 50 of 58 yeltslin scored victory for his newly formed group? democratic platform 51 of 58 in elections for what? russian congress of people's deputies 52 of 58 in what month did he resign from party? june 53 of 58 political vacuum in central gov filled @ least temporarily by election of? gorbachev 54 of 58 to position of? president of ussr 55 of 58 by? congress of people's deputies 56 of 58 in theory presidential rule replaced? party ryle 57 of 58 in practice where had power shifted? from centre to regions 58 of 58
essay plan 'to what extent was geniune popularity the main factor for Hitlers success in becoming chancellor' 0.0 / 5
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