ussr ; fall ; political failures ; glasnost + need for party reform 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 02-05-18 20:58 whole apparatus of party and state had become? huge and unmanageable 1 of 48 under brezhnev grown to resemble what that competed against each other? power blocs of vested interest 2 of 48 rivalry wasteful and competition between different branches of admin led to hwat? corruption + nepotism 3 of 48 trend coupled w/ issues of relations between central planning apparatus in moscow and what? regional level in each republic 4 of 48 gorby recognised whole system needed? streamlining 5 of 48 ths would provide additional benefit of offering opportunity to do what? remove anti-reform officials 6 of 48 need for reform highlighted by impact of? glasnost 7 of 48 IMPACT OF GLASNOST DGD 8 of 48 started as method of getting what to revitalise party? new ideas 9 of 48 and re-engage who w/ party? population 10 of 48 then descended into open attack on what? corrupt practices 11 of 48 - key criticisms fgdfg 12 of 48 complaints about what social development were poor? housing 13 of 48 investigations of svoiet history revealed details about what dark time? stalin's terror 14 of 48 what big thing in the '30s? famine 15 of 48 and worst of all the smersh thing? katyn massacre 16 of 48 where over how many polish officers died? 400 17 of 48 when? may '40 18 of 48 under whose orders? stalin's 19 of 48 when was the mass grave discovered and by who? german troops april '43 20 of 48 who did gov blame on? germans 21 of 48 even the more sensitive issue of what outcome of wwii discussed? soviet victory 22 of 48 myth of great patriotic war undermined by revalations of what? reckless waste of human lives 23 of 48 whatwere a popular topic? environmental issues 24 of 48 promotes by exposes on damaging impact of what on aral sea? gov irrigation schemes 25 of 48 difficult for gorby to do what with glasnost even if he wanted to? stop it 26 of 48 soviet gov response to what event convinced him glasnost was essential? chernobyl nuclear accident 27 of 48 when? april '86 28 of 48 accident there resulted in what over north eurpoe? wave radioactive fallout 29 of 48 no official announcement made by soviet gov until forced to respond to what? unrgent calls for information 30 of 48 after scientists in scandinavia did what? picked up readings of unusually high radioactivity in airspace 31 of 48 soviet gov delayed admission had disastrous effects for? own people 32 of 48 as what was delayed? evacuation of ppl living in toxic areas 33 of 48 result increase in cases of wich two things? leukaemia / birth deformities 34 of 48 chernobyl affair reflects many what? weaknesses of soviet union 35 of 48 what was badly managed? nuclear power plant 36 of 48 used what? outdated equipment 37 of 48 had poor record of? health and safety 38 of 48 and deficiencies covered up by? secrecy and evasion 39 of 48 also did little to help what for gorby? international rep 40 of 48 to gorby what did whole thing seem to provide? urgent justification 4 glasnost 41 of 48 by what year was soviet pop. more politicised thanks to glasnost? '89 42 of 48 over how many informal groups + clubs holding emetings + adding voices to reform? 60,000 43 of 48 did glasnost result in support for gorby> no 44 of 48 instead what? criticism against party 45 of 48 much of it directed at who and why? gorby for weakness in pursuing radical reform 46 of 48 many reofrmers in power unwilling to do what? defend the party 47 of 48 no surprise some leading reformers decided to do what? resign from party 48 of 48
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