Home > A Level and IB > History > USSR ; est. 1-party state '17-'24 ; creation 1pst8 + party congress '21
USSR ; est. 1-party state '17-'24 ; creation 1pst8 + party congress '21
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- Created by: ilovetheoffice
- Created on: 22-04-18 16:02
what did bolsheviks claim desire to set up?
democratic system
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that would rule on behalf of?
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by '21 it was clear they really established?
one-party state
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where did most of the bolshevik difficulties to retain power stem from?
the fact that they took power as a minority party
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whose interest did they claim to represent?
proletariat and peasants
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but lacked enough support to lead what kind of revolution?
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and seized power how?
by force
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which two other left-wing groups opposed them?
socialist revolutionaries and mensheviks
8 of 156
which group were fellow marxists?
9 of 156
these two groups were denied what by bolsheviks?
share of power
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which other two types of groups opposed the bolsheviks?
right and liberal groups
11 of 156
who often represented interests of which class?
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and now feared bolshevism would take away what?
13 of 156
and deny them what kind of freedoms?
14 of 156
ideology of marxism represented a challenge to what kind of people in russia?
rich and priveliged
15 of 156
what seemed to be under attack?
the old social order
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which three countries nationalist groups were a threat to the bolsheviks?
ukraine, poland, finland
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because they saw collapse of tsarist regime a chance to do what?
assert independence
18 of 156
bolsheviks had to do what with these groups to create one-party state?
overtake them
19 of 156
so, to summarize, what three vague groups were mad at them?
other left-wing / libs + right wing / nationalists
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what were the two other left-wing groups?
socialist-revolutionaries + mensheviks
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what did these groups hope would happen as they shared many socialist aims?
be given share in new gov
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what did lenin make clear?
there would be no sharing of power
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what happened to calls for coalition?
swiftly rejected by lenin?
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which lead bolshevik for example asked for socialist coalition?
lev kamenev
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what is the world famous peak af trotsky quote about the SRs + mensheviks?
"you have played out your role. go where you belong: to the dustbin of history."
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what was trotsky's relationship to lenin?
closest associate
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why did some SRs join the bolshevik gov in the beginning?
for practical reasons
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but what happened to even this co-operation?
didn't last long
30 of 156
what event did SRs and mensheviks hope would be a chance to regain initiative?
constituent assembly
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when (m/y)
january 1918
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what was the constituent assembly?
parliament elected by people of russia
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who was heavily criticised for delaying its calling?
kerensky, leader of provisional government
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after october revolution when did lenin agree to hold elections for it?
november 1917
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how was the assembly to be elected?
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this played to the strenghts of which group?
37 of 156
as they were able to mobilise their support among whom?
38 of 156
how many seats did bolsheviks gain?
39 of 156
wiht over how many votes
40 of 156
but which party emerged as the largest single party?
socialist revolutionaries (shocker)
41 of 156
with how many seats?
42 of 156
and how many votes?
43 of 156
to use assembly as national parliament would clearly pose threat to what?
continued bolshevik rule
44 of 156
lenin therefore dissolved assembly after how many meetings?
45 of 156
and condemned it as?
instrument of the bourgeoisie
46 of 156
in it's place what did lenin use?
the all-russian congress of soviets
47 of 156
as an instrument of what?
popular support
48 of 156
a body where who had far more influence?
bolsheviks (shocker)
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what had lenin with this ensured there would be no real forum for?
50 of 156
and ignored what?
calls for coalition
51 of 156
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who did they remove vote from?
'bourgeoisie classes'
53 of 156
********* opposition parties of what?
reservoir of support
54 of 156
bolsheviks put restrictions on what making it hard for mensheviks and sr's to use?
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who were given small role in bolshevik government in 1917 and 1918?
left-wing SRs
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when did they walk out of government?
march 1918
57 of 156
meaning they lost?
all influence
58 of 156
what bolshevik decision did they walk out in protest of?
pull out wwi
59 of 156
when did bolsheviks rename themselves the communist party?
march 1918
60 of 156
and by '21 what happened to all other parites?
effectively banned
61 of 156
in april '21 what did lenin declare about sr/ms?
"the place for the mensheviks and socialist revolutionaries is prison"
62 of 156
how many mensheviks were arrested in the first three months of 1921?
63 of 156
in what years were there further waves of arrests?
'21 and '22
64 of 156
against which two groups?
SRs and Mensheviks
65 of 156
but by that point what had happened to them?
ceased to exist as parties
66 of 156
67 of 156
what year?
68 of 156
why was there vvvv little initial opposition from groups other than other socialists?
bc conservatives were so shocked by october they had to let it sink in
69 of 156
what event renewed conservative outrage?
lenin ending russian involvement in wwi
70 of 156
what concluded peace?
treaty of brest-litovsk
71 of 156
this meant russia got out of war but lost control of which places?
baltic states (lithuania, estonia, latvia), finland, ukraine and parts of caucasus region
72 of 156
wat did the conservatives view this as?
national humiliation
73 of 156
especially for which group?
military officers who served in tsar's army
74 of 156
what did these groups see as the only way to restore pride and reputation of armed forces?
overthrow bolsheviks and reject treaty
75 of 156
what was the group opposing bolsheviks in the civil war called?
the whites
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treaty also provided them a neccessary stir as promised what?
foreign help
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who were anxious to keep russia in wwi?
britain, france, usa, japan basically the allies
78 of 156
and were willing to provide which three things for russia to rejion?
arms / money / troops
79 of 156
what two things did wwi take from the government?
energy and resources
80 of 156
with little chance of?
military success
81 of 156
and lenin saw that it was a key factor in what?
downfall of tsar and provgov
82 of 156
so why did lenin pull out of war?
only way for bolshevik gov to focus on consolidating hold over russia
83 of 156
and dealing with who?
internal enemies
84 of 156
85 of 156
the 'white' opposition to the reds included those that wanted to see return of?
86 of 156
also liberals including supporters of?
provisional government
87 of 156
also military leaders unhappy with?
russia pulling out of wwi
88 of 156
also national minorities seeking?
independence from russia
89 of 156
and members of SRs + mensheviks denied what?
share of power
90 of 156
what were the czech legion?
a group of austro-hungarian army stranded in russia as pows
91 of 156
and what did they do?
rebel against reds
92 of 156
they also recieved aid from who during wwi?
93 of 156
whose forces attacked bolsheviks immediately after october revolution/
general krasnov
94 of 156
pulkovo heights (near petrograd)
95 of 156
who won that encounter?
96 of 156
after what big event did opposition to B's mount?
treaty of brest-litovsk
97 of 156
resulting in series of?
military campaigns
98 of 156
not until end of which year that B's beat whites?
99 of 156
and secured what?
communist rule across the country
100 of 156
101 of 156
@ start area directly under B ctrl limited to central core based on where?
102 of 156
stretching to where in the north west?
103 of 156
and they were surrounded on all sides by?
104 of 156
what was red victory largely due to?
better organisation
105 of 156
organisation in which three key terms?
military / economic / political
106 of 156
in contrast wat was the only thing uniting whites?
common desire to rid bolsheviks
107 of 156
what reflected these divisions?
military strategy
108 of 156
co-operation limited and not helped by what?
long front on which whites fought
109 of 156
what two things meant allies help wasn't put into good effect?
corruption and inefficiency
110 of 156
lots of credit for the coherent bolshevik military strategy goes to whom?
leon trotsky
111 of 156
what title did trotsky become in early 1918?
commissar for war
112 of 156
red army formed from which two groups?
Red Guard units + pro-B elements of old tsar forces
113 of 156
what was introduced to increase soldier numbers?
114 of 156
and by end of war numbers were?
115 of 156
Bs also extended government intervention over economy to ensure what?
resources organised and deployed effectively
116 of 156
through imposition of what economic policy?
War Communism
117 of 156
what ensured adequate supplies for red army?
large-scale nationalisation of industry
118 of 156
and how did they get food supplies?
requisitioned from peasants
119 of 156
experience of civil war encouraged Bs to adopt what kind of system?
highly authoritarian + centrally controlled
120 of 156
degree active support for bolsheviks especially from who?
121 of 156
who saw bolsheviks as what?
best guarantors of gains from revolution
122 of 156
what aspect of bolshevik rule did peasants like in 1917?
Land Decree
123 of 156
which guaranteed what?
distribution of land in their favour
124 of 156
thus Bs didn't neglect what dimension of the war?
125 of 156
Bolshevik victory meant what about opposition?
rid any realistic chance of enemies within russia threatening new bolshevik government
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what did bolshevik state become due to demands of civil war?
highly centralised
128 of 156
fighting war required quick what from government?
decision-making and direction resources
129 of 156
power now firmly in hands of goverment aka?
130 of 156
and party leadership aka?
131 of 156
132 of 156
civil war reslted in Bs usin extensive what against opps?
133 of 156
which set tone for what?
development of party post-civil war
134 of 156
what kind of values did the civil war seem to reinforce in the population?
135 of 156
136 of 156
when was this held?
march '21
137 of 156
civi lwar basically done and attention could now be turned towaed what?
divisions within the bolshevik party
138 of 156
what did civil war see huge growth in?
party membership
139 of 156
how many members 1917?
140 of 156
and 21?
over 730,000
141 of 156
what did this pose a threat to?
party stability
142 of 156
to ensure conformity what did lenin put forward the idea of at the 10th party congress?
ban on factions
143 of 156
knonw as?
'on party unity'
144 of 156
which was an attempt to impose whose view on party?
145 of 156
what was the penalty for breaking this rule?
expulsion from party
146 of 156
when was the kronstadt mutiny?
147 of 156
who mutinied?
sailors at a naval base in kronstadt
148 of 156
against what?
imposition of orders on local soviet from bolsheviks
149 of 156
their slogan?
'soviets without bolsheviks'
150 of 156
why was this such a severe shock to regime?
soldiers previously strong supporters
151 of 156
and what was the major peasant uprising known at?
tambov uprising
152 of 156
of which years?
153 of 156
sparked by arrival of?
bolshevik units to requisition grain
154 of 156
what did peasants form?
green army
155 of 156
took over how many bolshevik troops to put down revolt?
156 of 156
Other cards in this set
Card 2
that would rule on behalf of?
Card 3
by '21 it was clear they really established?

Card 4
where did most of the bolshevik difficulties to retain power stem from?

Card 5
whose interest did they claim to represent?

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