ussr ; control of the ppl ; religion
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- Created by: ilovetheoffice
- Created on: 28-04-18 17:49
1 of 123
how did bolsheviks see religion and its institutions?
threat to imposition of socialist ideology
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to bolsheviks what did church provide?
alternative ideology to marxism
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christian emphasis on rights of the individual contrasted greatly with what?
collective mentality of socialism
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bolsheviks were atheists who dismissed religion as?
superstitious nonsense
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who in particular did lenin have specific dislike for?
6 of 123
and this informed what?
pace and tone of bolshevik policy
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what was ROC closely tied to?
tsar and old order
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who had been the head of the ROC?
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and how did majority of population take word of spiritual teachers?
v seriously
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what did marx call religion?
'opiumof the masses'
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- measures to severely limit power and influence of religion
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when was the Decree on Freedom of Conscience?
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what did it separate?
ROC and state
14 of 123
and church lost what?
priveliged status
15 of 123
what was church deprived of w/o compensation?
16 of 123
and what was outlawed?
17 of 123
and all of what outside home was banned?
religious education
18 of 123
what happened to large number of churches?
destroyed or repurposed
19 of 123
what did government close all of?
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and by end of '18 who was under house arrest?
head of church patriarch tikhon
21 of 123
in famine of civil war what increased?
attacks on church
22 of 123
and what happened to valuable objects?
seized to help pay for food supplies
23 of 123
who were deprived of vote?
24 of 123
and denied what during civil war?
25 of 123
and suffered as victims of what
red terror ('21-'22)
26 of 123
by '23 how many bishops had been killed?
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and over how many priests?
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in '29 what was established?
league of militant godless
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as part of what against religion?
propaganda campaign
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what did it take peasants on and what did it do with them?
plane rides and showeed them heaven wasn't in the sky
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what were ridiculed?
weeping icons
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with demonstrations of how they could be operated by what?
rubber squeezers
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campaign to replace baptisms with what?
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new names such as which two were encouraged?
revolyutsiya + ninel (lenin backwards bc they were just that creative)
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scale of attacks led many church leaders to do what?
seek accomodation in regime
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when did patriarch tikhon die?
37 of 123
which oppened way for metropolitan sergei of moscow to do what?
call on church membs to support gov
38 of 123
what did most do?
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but what did new tone result in?
less strident attacks by gov on church
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by end of '30 what fraction of al vilage churches were either not operating or destroyed?
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did actions succeed in stamping out church influence?
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survey of peasantry in mid'20s revealed what % still christian?
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campaigns of religious oppression accompanied stalin's policies of?
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what happened to most churches?
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and village priests labelled as what and what happened?
'kulaks' and deported
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further attacks followed in which years and which event?
great purge '36-'39
48 of 123
and by '39 how many out of 163 bishops were still @ liberty?
49 of 123
not until what event in which year that policy changed?
german invasion of '41
50 of 123
what did church support?
war effort
51 of 123
which prompted what?
accomodation between church and state
52 of 123
stalin took more liberal approach and what reesablished?
53 of 123
and what happened to some churches?
54 of 123
and new seminaries set up to do what?
train priests
55 of 123
some acknowledgement that religion could do what in wartime?
sustain morale
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he pursued a programme of anti-religion similary to what?
stalin's pre-wwii
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when did he launch this campaign?
59 of 123
that lasted until?
dismissal in '64
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what was role of priest limited to?
spiritual advice only
61 of 123
parish councils placed under whose control?
party officials
62 of 123
who often took action to dismiss priests on what grounds?
no longer needed
63 of 123
within 4 years how many of existing churches were closed?
64 of 123
surviving priests were often harrased by who?
secret police
65 of 123
which two religions also suffered severe restrictions on right to congregate / worship?
baptists / jews
66 of 123
67 of 123
with k's fall what happened to active persecution of church?
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brezhnev aware stories of religious persecution didn't go down well where?
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and had damaging impact on what?
foregin policy attempts
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brezhnev therefore happy to do what?
allow church to act within defined limits
71 of 123
what did governemnt use to monitor religious services?
Council of Religious Affairs
72 of 123
and clergy were classified accorgind to what?
loyalty to socialism
73 of 123
what was church expected to stick to?
formal church services
74 of 123
and support?
soviet policies
75 of 123
such as help for?
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what did group of unhappy orthodox priests set up?
christian committee for defence of believers' rights
77 of 123
to draw attention to what?
human rights abuses
78 of 123
in what year?
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who was the leader?
father yakunin
80 of 123
what did brezhnev do to him?
give him 5yrs imprisonment
81 of 123
for what?
anti-soviet propaganda
82 of 123
in what year?
83 of 123
what happened to religious groups like jews and baptists who were more likely to be critcal?
terated w/ less tolerance
84 of 123
evangelical activities of what were restricted?
preaching to gain converts
85 of 123
what were broken up?
prayer meetings
86 of 123
and what happened to members?
dismissed from jobs
87 of 123
nonetheless who continued to meet?
unregistered congregations
88 of 123
and they also did what?
distributed prayerbooks
89 of 123
90 of 123
what were majority of population members of?
91 of 123
but where contained sizeable muslim community?
central asian regions of ussr
92 of 123
why was dealing with islam more difficult for bolsheviks?
more ingrained into everyday life and intergrated in community
93 of 123
b's feared islam links to national minorities within ussr mihgt threaten what?
social cohesion of state
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bolshevis initially made attempts to reduce influence of what courts?
shariah law
95 of 123
along with which two places?
schools and mulahs
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not until when that government felt confident enough to attack institutions and rituals?
97 of 123
what about land was prohibited?
religious endowments
98 of 123
making what more difficult?
upkeep of mosques
99 of 123
what happened to most mosques?
closed down
100 of 123
what were phased out?
shariah courts
101 of 123
mullahs were removed as part of what?
collectivisation process
102 of 123
often forced to publicly admit to being what?
'decievers of the ppl'
103 of 123
what was launched on international women's day?
campaign against veiling women
104 of 123
in which year?
105 of 123
when who took part in ceremony?
bare women
106 of 123
what did they do with their viels?
threw on a bonfire
107 of 123
why was ramadam condemned?
interfered with work discipline
108 of 123
what was prohibited on grounds of subjection of women?
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measures resulted in violent revolts in which years?
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during wihch who were particularly active?
chechens of south russia
111 of 123
unrest only used through use of ?
armed forces
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what did many muslims do in public?
accept state
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while in private?
retain islamic customs
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PSYCH TEST: what level of conformity is this?
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others joined underground brotherhoods known as?
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to continue?
fight fro islamic rights
117 of 123
118 of 123
impact of attacks was to do what?
reduce those practicing
119 of 123
survey in '80s found what % population believed in god?
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far fewer did what?
actually were engaged in worship
121 of 123
for those who remained faithful what did government actions do?
strenghten their faith even more (oh great)
122 of 123
underground network support often did what?
provided sustenance to those that's needs not met by gov
123 of 123
Other cards in this set
Card 2
how did bolsheviks see religion and its institutions?
threat to imposition of socialist ideology
Card 3
to bolsheviks what did church provide?

Card 4
christian emphasis on rights of the individual contrasted greatly with what?

Card 5
bolsheviks were atheists who dismissed religion as?

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