ussr ; control of the ppl ; culture + arts ; lenin / stalin
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- Created by: ilovetheoffice
- Created on: 29-04-18 15:11
1 of 135
in '17 what were bolsheviks divided over?
importance and direction of cultural policy
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lenin viewed culture as vital but subordinate to what?
class conflict and retention of power
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what were lenin's personal cultural tastes like?
classic and conservative
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which groups did he want party to keep on side as much as possible?
high calibre writers and artists
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one important development he implemented after seizure of power was to create what?
Commissariat of Enlightenment
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a ministry of culture to do what?
support and encourage artists
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development welcomed by artists ars replaced what?
heavy restrictions and censorship of old regime
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this encouraged many artists to do what?
work with new regime
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lenin prepared to accommodate those that were not communist but?
sympathetic to ideals of revolution
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what did trotsky label these artists as?
fellow travellers
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were all bolsheviks happy with this approach?
nah not even
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who promoted this strand of cultural policy?
bogdanov + lunacharsky
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what was lunacharsky's role?
head commissariat of enlightenment
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what did bogdanov argue state needed to use to create own prolekult?
new tech
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he felt new group of what should be assembles?
proletarian artists
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whose art was to serve what two purposes?
social and political
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key strand of this group came to be known as what?
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those who wished to create new prole cultture based on what?
the worker and industrial tech
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what were workers and peasants encouraged to do?
produce own culture
21 of 135
such as?
write stories / put on theatre productions
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magazine smithy est. that contained what?
poems about machines / factories
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gov also made use of what group events to develop new socialist culture?
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and what were sometimes incentive to turn up/
extra food rations
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how was the anniversary of the revolution in '20 celebrated?
re-enactment of the storming of the winter palace
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using over how many ppl?
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parades through where were organised?
red square
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and directed by party to etent they were examples of what?
street theatre
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thus achievements of who were reinforced through arts?
workers and party
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prolekult was a deliberate and direct challenge to what?
high culture
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and becamepopular for a time but by early '20s why were gov concerned with it?
too many viewpoints being iexpressed
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and started to do what to it?
impose restrictions
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avant-garde relates to period of experimentation after what event?
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the influence of which two schools of art were combined?
modernism and futurism
36 of 135
to convey visions of what
new futuristic world
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mayakovsky, the talented poet and playwright moved to what kind of medium?
poster art
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who set to work doing what for government?
producing slogans and posters
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despite being propaganda his work was also?
genuinely innovative
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malevich and kandinsky represent fellow travellers in which medium?
painting and sculptures
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why unsuprising soviets put such emphasis on visual arts?
large proportion country illiterate
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influence of futurists on science fiction however did have impact on what?
popular reading
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new trends in popular music saw first appearance of what in russia with mixed reviews?
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in theatre meyerhold led the movement with which play in '18?
mystery bouffe
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which was fantasy based on what?
workers defeating exploiters
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why cancelled after one performance?
too confusing to audiences
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what relatively new development was open to experimentation too?
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and who was one of most foremost innovators in medium?
sergei einstein
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what movie did he make in '24?
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and battleship potemkin was to be released when?
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what did lenin state importance of cinema for?
tool promoting political messages
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but often it was what?
too clever for audience
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avant-garde was not answer to what thingthey were attempting to do?
mould common people's beliefs and values
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what did cultural revolution become part of attempt to sweep away?
old 'bourgeois; elements in society
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in what time?
late '20s
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along with whcih two economic policies?
collectivisation and 5yps
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this entailed full-scale assault on who?
traditional writers and artists
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what was to happen to those fellow travellers tolerated under lenin?
removed and replaced by those that were unquestionably loyal to socialis
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what were young enthusiastic komsomol members encouraged to do>
root out and attack 'bourgeois' elements
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what did they do in productions of suspect plays?
boo and whistle
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in literature what organisation made increasingly btitter attacks on fellow travellers?
Russian Association of Proletarian Writers(RAPP)
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and condemned what about writers that adopted new experimental techniques?
decadent individualism
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what movement's ideas was RAPP inspired by?
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and they preferred works that stressed what?
achievements of workers
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which became termed the?
cult of the 'little man'
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what novel was a good example of this?
kataev's time forward ('32)
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recounted the story of record breaking shift where?
******* magnitogorsk
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what did this, soon to become common and overused theme, also become known as?
'boy meets girl meets tractor'
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tied in with what economic policy?
71 of 135
but how did it soom lose popularity?
same theme repetitively used
72 of 135
yet rapp did it's best to encourage cultural activities in factories such as wgat?
reading and drama groups
73 of 135
mmm kinda
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in what year did party leadership announce RAPP would be closed down?
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and reokaced by what?
Union of Soviet Writers
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in effect brinding what to an end?
cultural revolution
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stalin recognised importance of wriers and artists calling them what?
'engineers of human souls'
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now put to use in pursuit of what?
'socialist realism'
80 of 135
term used to describe art that presented what?
idealised images of life under socialism
81 of 135
to inspire population towards what?
it's achievement
82 of 135
used to convince population that in '35 stalin's statement of what was true?
'life has become more joyous'
83 of 135
union of soviet writers was to police movement doing what?
rewarding those that complied and restricting those that didn't
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to some writers like zoshchenko,they complied but what suffered?
quality of work
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others refused to work under conditions and did what?
emigrated (they could do that???)
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novelist boris pasternak and poet anna akhamatova did what?
gave up writing and opted for 'genre of silence'
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however what happened to pasternak's novels?
smuggled abroad and publsihed
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what did mayakovsky the poster guy do?
commit suicide
89 of 135
and others died where?
labour camps
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- art under socialist realism
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there was to be no what under socialist realism unlike avant-garde?
experimentation with form
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what kinds of art were rejected?
avant-garde abstract
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art harnessed under regime to protekh what?
images of life under 5yps
94 of 135
often presented through images of what?
worker and peasant striving for socialism
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stalin told artists they should make what clear?
who was responsible for achievements of socialims
96 of 135
this often resulted in fusion of socialist realism with what?
stalin's cult of personality
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- literature under socialist realism
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saw change emphasis from 'cult of the little man' toward what?
heroes connected to the party
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what was the standard plot of novels in the '30s
hero from the people is guided by party to greater things
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developed in much of 'high literature by works of who?
sholokhov / gorky
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and had much in common with what?
traditional russian folk stories
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'lowbrow' literature usually concerned with heores from where?
russian history
103 of 135
or which other two things?
war stories / detective novels where police agent thwarts capitalists
104 of 135
what meant population had easy access?>
105 of 135
and also there was a tenfold growht in what?
library acquisitions
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how did party control what was publsihed by who?
gov agencies
107 of 135
- music under socialist realism
108 of 135
what happened during a performance of shostakovich's opera?
stalin walked out?
109 of 135
lady macbeth pf mstensk was about what?
pc adultery
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in what year?
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due to what?
disconcordant notes
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why was the real reason stalin walked out?
stalin shocked @ use of trombones underlining what was happening in bedroom scene
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in pop music what did gov favour over jazz?
military music
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gov concern over decadent assoc w/ jazz led them to ban what in '40s?
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as in literature best to do what if you wanted to continue working?
stick to well-worn themes
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- architecture under socialist realism
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promoted the style known as what?
'stalinist baroque'
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better known as what kind of architecture?
'wedding cake'
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which made use of what?
classical lines
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many public buildings built in this stye the best example being?
moscow uni
121 of 135
rebuilt after?
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what system was another fine example of this?
moscow metro
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with stations decorated with what?
chandeliers and murals of workers
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- cinema under social realism
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what was conveyed through film such as einstein's october?
achievements of the revolution
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which presented a heroic version of what event?
storming of winter palace in '17
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served interest of government in presenting revolution how?
mass movement
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what happened due to einstein's excessive use of extras and live ammo?
more ppl died in making of film than actual events
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in wwii cinema was used to promote which two things?
patriotism / socialism
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what film was one of most popular?
alexander nevsky
131 of 135
what was socialist realism rooted in?
the people
132 of 135
easy to criticise socialist realism as being out of touch with what?
133 of 135
was this simply art for artsake?
134 of 135
what were three common things soviet population found in it?
identification / motivation / escapism
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
in '17 what were bolsheviks divided over?
importance and direction of cultural policy
Card 3
lenin viewed culture as vital but subordinate to what?

Card 4
what were lenin's personal cultural tastes like?

Card 5
which groups did he want party to keep on side as much as possible?

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