Home > A Level and IB > History > ussr ; control of the ppl ; culture + arts ; clashes w/ artist + gov to '85
ussr ; control of the ppl ; culture + arts ; clashes w/ artist + gov to '85
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- Created by: ilovetheoffice
- Created on: 29-04-18 21:38
1 of 90
khrushchev's cultural thaw limits were shown by which big boii pasternak book?
doctor zhivago
2 of 90
this book was an epic set when?
in civil war
3 of 90
who were undecided about this book?
soviet publishers
4 of 90
until khrushchev stepped in and did what withou reading?
banned it
5 of 90
but what happened to novel?
smuggled abroad
6 of 90
and an edition first apeared in which country?
7 of 90
in what year?
8 of 90
what award did the book win?
nobel prizr for literature
9 of 90
in what year?
10 of 90
what did khrushchev refuse to let pasternak do?
fly to sweden to get the award
11 of 90
what was the whole affair a cause of?
national embarrasment
12 of 90
what was another area where nonconformity wasn't encouraged?
abstract ar
13 of 90
demonstrated as a pet hate of khrushchev's in '64 when he visited what?
exhibition hall in kremlin to view collection of young artists' work
14 of 90
on seeing pieces of art he fumed with rage and said what?
'a donkey could smear better art with its tail'
15 of 90
what did artists do soon after?
ran from exhibition in fear of inprisonment
16 of 90
but what actually happened to artists?
*billy eichner voice* NOTHING!
17 of 90
wha tkind of music also made khrushchev mad?
18 of 90
komsomol groups were employed to patrol where?
streeets and dance halls
19 of 90
and report on who?
young people whose behavior was deemed unacceptable
20 of 90
in '61 gov went as far as to hold conference to decide what?
which dance moves were acceptable
21 of 90
did enforcing the decision work?
nah not even
22 of 90
hwo did khrushchev's cultural policy reflect his personality?
subject to mood swings
23 of 90
became less tolerant of what in his last months as leader?
24 of 90
and what happened to this attitude?
entrenched by successors
25 of 90
26 of 90
27 of 90
what did this show about brezhnev's government?
patience of their dealings with nonconformist writers
28 of 90
at what age did brodsky drop out of school?
29 of 90
and decided to do what?
write poetry
30 of 90
encouraged by akhmatova what did he do with his poetry?
read it out loud @ secret gatherings
31 of 90
brodsky wasn't licensed poet under what?
writer's union
32 of 90
what was he accused of?
33 of 90
and condemned for what about his poetry?
34 of 90
became clear @ trial that case was being used to do what?
send firm message to all artists that wanted to work independent of state
35 of 90
brodsky sentenced to what?
5yrs hard labour in prison
36 of 90
in what grounds?
he'd produced nothing of value to the soviet state
37 of 90
yet what was proof times had changed?
used legal apparatus
38 of 90
who campaigned for his release?
fellow writers in and out of russia
39 of 90
which was granted after how long?
40 of 90
then what happened to him?
expelled from soviet union
41 of 90
what did his treatment indicate despite k's cultural thaw?
limits to what brezhnev was going to tolerate
42 of 90
43 of 90
in what year?
44 of 90
when were they arrested?
45 of 90
wrote short novels that depicted life in ussr as what?
harsh and surreal
46 of 90
came under attention of KGB despite doing what?
usin psuedonyms
47 of 90
arrested and accused of what?
anti-soviet propaganda
48 of 90
under what in criminal code?
article 70
49 of 90
significance of this case is that allegations were based on what?
actual contents of literary work
50 of 90
arrest resulted in demonstration of voer how many students?
51 of 90
from where?
sinyavsky's institute
52 of 90
and open letter of support fr them signed by how many leading intellectuals?
53 of 90
over how many letters were sent to 23rd party congress asking to be reviewed?
54 of 90
trial tricky moment for regime as combined which two threats?
nonconformity + dissidents
55 of 90
onwhat date were they sentenced?
10th feb '66
56 of 90
sentenced sinyavsky to what?
7yrs in strict-regime labour camp
57 of 90
and how long for yuri daniel?
58 of 90
harsh sentences designed to do wht?
send warning
59 of 90
60 of 90
gov attempted to control and direct output by extensive system of what?
state subsidies
61 of 90
and ensuring access to which two things?
radio and venues
62 of 90
awards and priveliges were given to artists/writers that did what?
served interest of the state
63 of 90
what could be withdrawn from troublemakers?
64 of 90
what happened to any artists/writers that strayed too far from what was acceptable?
given talk by government official to pt out errors and warn of consequences
65 of 90
which was often enough to do what?
bring back into line
66 of 90
when was solzhenitsyn expelled from writers' union?
67 of 90
and then what happened to him in '74?
expelled from soviet union
68 of 90
continued to do what in exile?
write about harshness of soviet life
69 of 90
and though soviet gov coudln't stop him what did they say about his book the gulag archipelago?
condemn as filthy anti-soviet propaganda
70 of 90
in '70 what happened to local art galler director in novosibirsk?
sentenced to 8yrs prison
71 of 90
for doing what?
displaying art by dissident painters
72 of 90
when did group unofficial artists put on open-air exhibition of own work?
73 of 90
what did breznhev's gov do against this?
launch propaganda campaign
74 of 90
and what did the 'enraged public' do?
attack the work
75 of 90
authorities eventually brought in what?
bulldozers to destroy the exhibition 'a ghost story' style
76 of 90
gov had second thoughts after what happened at the incident?
77 of 90
and reported by whp?
foreign press
78 of 90
and eventually what did they do?
allow art to be put back on display providing it could be patched up
79 of 90
why was dealing with subversive elements in pop culture more difficult?
underground nature of mich of their activity
80 of 90
left to whose government to clamp down on this?
81 of 90
what did they recognise was neccessary tho?
accomodation of some pop music
82 of 90
and therfore restricted output of songs not by official soviet composters to what % radio airtime?
83 of 90
commision group set up to do what to rock groups before permission to perform?
84 of 90
and komsomol once again employed to do what?
patrol streets and report unacceptable activity
85 of 90
what did these clashed cause?
bad publicity between ussr and west
86 of 90
but in ussr most artists preferred to do what?
keep heads down / conform / avoid trouble
87 of 90
more ofthen than not what was general public reaction to culture output from gov?
88 of 90
what was preferred to more intellectual stimulating work?
undemanding art / entertainment
89 of 90
nonconformist artists often viewed by general publc how?
self-indulgent and out of touch
90 of 90
Other cards in this set
Card 2
khrushchev's cultural thaw limits were shown by which big boii pasternak book?
doctor zhivago
Card 3
this book was an epic set when?

Card 4
who were undecided about this book?

Card 5
until khrushchev stepped in and did what withou reading?

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