USA Boom 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe USA - twentieth century changeGCSEAQA Created by: KThomasCreated on: 04-06-17 11:56 Define Boom A PERIOD OF RAPID SIGNIFICANT ECONOMIC GROWTH WHICH IS PROBABLY UNSUSTAINABLE 1 of 11 List the 3 presidents from 1921-1933 Harding, Coolidge and Hoover 2 of 11 Name the 3 new industries in the 1920's Motor, Electrical and Leisure 3 of 11 Who benefits from buying on credit? Retailers and manufacturers sell more and banks get an interest charge 4 of 11 When did radio broadcasts begin? 1921 5 of 11 Name the groups who did not benefit from the boom Agriculture, textiles, coalmining and immigrants 6 of 11 Did the boom increase racism? Yes because black people were hated and the white people took their jobs 7 of 11 What effect does mass production have on prices? It makes items cheaper 8 of 11 Define shares A piece of paper that represents a piece of ownership in a company 9 of 11 What is buying on the margin? Money borrowed from banks as a loan to buy shares then sell shares back, pay off the loan and keep the profits 10 of 11 Give the 6 causes of the boom Isolationism, Tarrif policy, Mass production, Advertising, Laissez-faire and Credit 11 of 11
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