(UNIFIC) 1. keeps people UP-to-date 2. allows Negotiation 3. passes on Infor around 4. gives Feedback 5. gives Instructions 6. Checks/Confirmation
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Definition of: Formal & Informal
F: Takes place using the approved channels of commmunication (Documented/order). I: Takes place outside the approved channels of commmunication ( no order).
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Definition of: External & Internal
E: Systems and methods used to ensure accurate infor flow between departments or employees. I: Systems and methods used to ensure accurate infor flow between the public and stakeholders.
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Why are EXTERNAL forms of communication so important for a business?
1. Effects corporate image&reputation 2. Affects customers perceptions & sales figures 3. The ability to attract potential investors or employees.
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Why is confidentiality so important to a business? Examples?
So the Data Protection Act is not broken and also others may exploit businesses new ideas. E.G. Application forms+Fiinancial infor. New product ideas. Market research.
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What methods of communication exist that a buiness can use?
What are the factors a business needs to consider before choosing the best medium?
1. Cost 2. Length of message 3. Size of audience 4. Recievers reaction 5. Efficiency
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What is Manual Storage System? Ad+Dis?
Infor stored by hand. A: No risk of hacking. Acceess can be easily restricted. Cheaper to set up. D: Requires large amount of space. Easy to misfile. Slow.
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What is Electronic Storage System? Ad+Dis?
Any storing done via technology. A: Faster. Automatic validation checks. Expensive to set up.
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What is Quantitative information?
Information expressed in numerical terms, so is measureable.
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What is Quanlitative information?
Is data on individuals opinions/tastes. Data rich! and cannot be expressed numerically.
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What is the order of the Information Processing process?
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