A belief that human needs and interests are of overriding moral and philosophical importance
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Shallow ecology
A green ideological perspective that harnesses the lessons of ecology to human needs and ends and is associated with values such as sustainability and conservatism
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Deep ecology
a green ideological perspective that rejects anthropocentrism and gives priority to the maintenance of nature; it is associated with values such as bioequality, diversity and decentralisaiton
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Terrorism refers to attempts to further political ends by using violence to create a climate of fear, apprehension and uncertainty.
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New Terrorism
A form of terrorism that is supposedly more radical and supposedly more radical and devastating than 'traditional' terrorism because of the nature of its organisation, political character, motivations and strategies
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Orthodox View of Development
Rooted in economic liberalism, calculated through GDP; Poverty is bad and economic development is good
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Alternative view of development
more mixed view of poverty; rejects 'one size fits all' humanistic view of opportunity and empowerment and sustainability it is a social rather than economic view
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Asymmetrical Warfare
War fought between opponents with clearly unequal levels of military, economic and technological power, in which warfare strategies tend to be adapted to the needs of the weak
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(either states or TNCs/IGOs) refers to the process through which the developed world controls developing states through a process of economic domination, as opposed to direct political control
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A green ideological perspective that harnesses the lessons of ecology to human needs and ends and is associated with values such as sustainability and conservatism
Shallow ecology
Card 3
a green ideological perspective that rejects anthropocentrism and gives priority to the maintenance of nature; it is associated with values such as bioequality, diversity and decentralisaiton
Card 4
Terrorism refers to attempts to further political ends by using violence to create a climate of fear, apprehension and uncertainty.
Card 5
A form of terrorism that is supposedly more radical and supposedly more radical and devastating than 'traditional' terrorism because of the nature of its organisation, political character, motivations and strategies
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