Unit 4 Economics Definitions
- Created by: Lola
- Created on: 26-02-13 22:05
The growing integration and interdependence of the world economy, i.e. the increased international movement of output, financial capital, FDI (multinational production) and the harmonisation of consumer tastes.
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Comparative Advantage
The producer with the lowest opportunity cost of production (or highest output per factor of production) for a particular product.
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Absolute Advantage
The producer with the ability to make the largest amount of a particular product using its factors of production.
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Multinational Companies
Large company with production based in several different countries.
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Foreign Direct Investment
Spending by firms on productive capacity in other countries.
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The raising of trade barriers against imports.
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Infant Industry Argument
Rationale for protecting domestic firms from foreign competition until they have grown large enough to achieve the economies of scale to match rival foreign firms.
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Common External Tariff
A tax on products imported into a customs union. A method of protection used by a customs union to keep down imports from non-members; the tariff is designed to raise the import price to the same level in each member country.
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(Import) Quota
A limit on the number of imported goods allowed into a country over a period of time. A barrier to trade which leads to deadweight losses and higher consumer prices; their effect is more certain than tariffs which depend on elesticities.
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Non Tariff Barriers
Methods to prevent the sale of imports apart from tariffs or quotas: e.g. product quality controls designed to favour domestic firms, preferential buying from domestic firms by public sector.
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Practice of selling exports in foreign markets at below cost (or below selling price in domestic market).
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World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Organisation to promote free trade and coordinate (police) reduction in barriers to trade.
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Free Trade Area (FTA)
A group of countries which coordinate a reduction of trade barriers between themselves but do not erect a common external tariff - often progresses to customs union because each country has different tariff against non-members.
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Customs Union
A group of countries with reduced trade barriers (tariffs & quotas) between members but a common external tariff against imports from outside.
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Common Market
The stage of economic integration between states when barriers to capital (e.g. exchange controls) and labour mobility (e.g. visas) are removed.
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Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
When a group of countries in a common market abolish national currencies to share a single currency and therefore operate a single monetary policy for the whole union.
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Convergence Criteria
Macroeconomic conditions that must be met before a country is allowed to join an Economic & Monetary Union, i.e. low inflation, low government budget deficit, low national debt exchange rate stability against other EMU currencies
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Stability and Growth Pact
Limit placed on government budget deficit for countries belonging to the European Single Currency
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Trading Bloc
A group of countries who form a free trade area, customs union or common market as a way to reduce trade barriers between them and raise barriers to non-members.
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Trade Creation
The welfare gains from joining a customs union. These derive from having reduced trade barriers with customs union members, e.g. lower tariffs will enable countries to specialise more in what they have a C/A gaining the deadweight loss of tariffs.
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Trade Diversion
The welfare losses to a country from joining a customs union. These derive from having to adopt a common external tariff which may raise the price of imports from low cost producers outside the customs union.
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EU Enlargement
Process whereby its established 15 members of the European Union is widening its membership to new European (accession) countries
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The ability of domestic firms to sell their output in the global market (domestic & foreign)
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Unit Labour Costs
Labour costs per unit of output. Key indicator of a country's competitiveness: if output growth can outpace growth in the total wage bill then unit labour costs fall making the goods more competitive.
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New Deal
New Labour's policy to combat long term unemployment: after a period of assisted job search, an unemployed person is guaranteed some form of paid work (voluntary work or subsidised employment) or training.
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Social Chapter
Section of the Maastricht Treaty which commits European Union countries to guarantee certain legal rights of workers in the labour market.
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Working Time Directive
Regulation setting a maximum number of hours per week an employer can insist his employees work.
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Exchange Rate System
The rules which determine how a country's exchange rate is set.
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Floating Exchange Rate System
Exchange rate is freely determined by market forces (without interventions in the currency market)
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Fixed Exchange Rate System
Exchange rate is maintained at a target level by government interventions in the currency market.
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Fall in the value of exchange rate, usually announced by government when part of a fixed exchange rate system.
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Marshall Lerner Condition
The sum of elasticity of demand for exports and imports must exceed one. This guarantees that a devaluation of currency will imporve the trade balance of payments of the current account.
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J curve effect
The short term fall in Balance of Payments current account following a devaluation of the exchange rate before long run elastic demand for imports and exports lead to rise.
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Hot Money
Money in search of the highest short term rate of return available internationally
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Dutch Disease
Where the strength of one sector of an economy drives up the exchange rate to a point where its other sectors lose competitiveness
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Real Exchange Rate
The price of a country's goods relative to those produced abroad when expressed in a common currency.
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Effective Exchange Rate
The exchange rate of a country's currency measured against a weighted average of the currencies of its major trading partners.
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Balance of Payments Disequilibrium
Where Balance of Payments current account has a large persistent and rising deficit (or surplus) over time.
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Broad notion of progress in social and economic conditions within a society covering improved material standards of living, self esteem and expanded opportunities for all individuals.
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Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs)
Term referring to those countries with relatively low per capita income.
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Newly Industrialised Countries (NICs)
Countries which have industrialised since 1950
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The capital making up society's transport and communications networks, its supply of basic amenities and key public services.
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Where farming families produce food for their own consumption.
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Cash Crop
Agricultural crop which is produced for the export market
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Brain Drain
The emigration of highly skilled workers (domestically trained) who are able to earn far higher salaries abroad
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Debt Crisis
Constraint on economic growth facing LEDCs due to growing proportion of their national income needed to service the debt to richer economies.
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Capital Flight
The withdrawal of funds from a country due to poor economic conditions, hastened by a speculative fear of currency devaluation.
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Rural - Urban Migration
Relocation of people from villages to cities
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Where government officials allow law-breaking in exchange for illegal payments.
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Demographic Transition
Model where population grows according to four phases as a country develops economically. 1.High birth&death rates, 2. Death rates fall, 3.Birth rates fall, 4.Low birth & death rates (steady population)
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Early stage of economic development where proportion of national output from manufacturing grows rapidly as agriculture's share declines.
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Later stage of economic development where proportion of national output from manufacturing declines steadily as the share from the service sector rises.
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Harrod - Domar Growth Model
Model asserting national economic growth depends on increases in its savings rate and decreases in its capital - output ratio.
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Prebisch - Singer Hypothesis
Hypothesis that countries which specialise in primary products will suffer falling terms of trade over time.
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Terms of Trade
Ratio of an index of a country's export prices to an index of its import prices.
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Trickle Effect
Belief that when the rich get richer, the poor will experience some improvement in their incomes as an indirect result.
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Import Substitution
Strategy used by LEDC governments to replace imports of manufactured goods with domestic production.
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International Monetary Fund
Institution designed to stabilise the world's financial system, stepping in when exchange rates move dramatically and where countries experience severe Balance of Payments problems.
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Stabilisation Programme
Conditions attached to loans from the IMF designed to strengthen macroeconomic performance.
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World Bank
International financial institution which provides funds for development projects.
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Structural Adjustment Programme
Conditions attached to loans from the World Bank designed to strengthen microeconomic performance by encouraging market friendly institutions.
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Non Government Organisations (NGOs)
Private sector organisations (like charities) involved in providing financial and technical assistance to LEDCs
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Intermidiate Technology
Technology appropriate to the needs of a LEDC
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Transfer of resources to LEDCs on concessional terms which aim to promote economic development.
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Tied Aid
Aid provided by a rich economy on condition that the recipient uses the funds to buy products from thed donor country.
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Soft Loan
Loan which is provided to a LEDC at concessionary rates with interest rates at least 25% lower than market rates for example.
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Dept for Equity Swap
Mechanism where indebted LEDCs exchange foreign debt for shares in domestic firms.
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Micro Finance
Small loans provided to poorest households in LEDCs not traditionally available from large indigenous banks
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Fair Trade
A worldwide movement to alleviate poverty in poor countries based on sale of their certified exports at a fair (higher) price.
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Horizontal Equity
The equal treatment of people in the same circumstances, e.g. government charging same income tax to all people earning the same income.
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Vertical Equity
The notion which can be used to justify taxing richer people more to bring about greater fairness.
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Lorenz Curve
Graphical representation of inequality: cumulative shares of (e.g.) income, are plotted against cumulative shares of the population.
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Gini Coefficient
A statistical measure of inequality; on Lorenz curve diagram, Gini coefficient = area between line of equality and Lorenz curve/whole area uner line of equality.
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Absolute poverty
A state where a household or person is unable to purchase the basic necessities to sustain a civilised life.
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Relative poverty
A state where a household or person is significantly poorer than the average for the rest of the society.
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Poverty trap
The disincentive to work when someone on benefits faces a very high effective marginal rate of tax if they work harder.
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Replacement Ratio
The ratio of unemployment benefits to average earnings.
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Means Tested Benefits
Benefits which are only paid to households who can prove they are poor.
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Direct Tax
Tax levied on an individual or company on their income or wealth.
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Indirect Tax
Tax levied on expenditure.
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Progressive Tax
A tax which takes a higher proportion of income as income rises.
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Regressive Tax
A tax which takes a lower proportion of income as income rises.
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Marginal Tax Rate (MRT)
The proportion of an additional pound of income which goes in tax.
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Automatic Stabiliser
A feature of the government's public finance which helps keep aggregate demand stable in face of booms and busts (the business cycle) without a deliberate attempt by government to adjust AD.
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Discretionary Fiscal Policy
Alterations to fiscal policy (government spending and taxation) deliberately made by government to modify AD in pursuit of its macroeconomic policy aims.
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Demographic Timebomb
The negative effects of the ageing population in the industrialised world
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Public Sector Net Cash Requirement
Government spending minus revenue (per year). Also known as budger deficit.
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Deflationary Policy
Government policies to reduce aggregate demand; increase interest rates, cut government spending and raise taxes
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Fiscal Drag
The effect of inflation (or even real earnings growth) which increases the tax burden in a progressive income tax system without government raising tax rates because people move into higher tax brackets.
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Fiscal Boost
The effect of inflation to reduce the real burden of unit taxes over time unless government indexes unit taxes or moves them in line with inflation.
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Income Effect (and Supply of Labour)
The increased demand for leisure (fall in supply of labour) by an individual worker as wage rates rise because workers regard leisure as a normal good to be enjoyerd more as they earn more.
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Substitution Effect (and Supply of Labour)
The fall in demand for leisure (increased supply of labour) by an individual worker as wage rates rise because leisure becomes more expensive in terms of opportunity cost (wage foregone)
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Laffer Curve
The relationship between average rate of income tax and tax revenue: at low tax rates, raising tax rates will increase revenue but at a point revenue falls as workers lose the incentive to work.
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National Debt
Outstanding debt of a national government at a point in time.
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Golden Rule
UK Government must only borrow for investment projects: all current spending (non durable items, like wages) must be paid for from current year tax receipts.
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Sustainable Investment Rule
UK Government must ensure national (i.e. public sector) debt never exceeds 40% of national income.
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Phillips Curve
Inverse relationship between rate of wage inflation and unemployment in the macro economy.
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The belief that monetary policy is the only way for government to effectively run the macro economy.
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The belief that the macro economy can reach an equilibrium even with much unemployment and that then expansionary fiscal policy is a more effective solution than monetary policy.
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Situation of persistent negative inflation.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The producer with the lowest opportunity cost of production (or highest output per factor of production) for a particular product.
Comparative Advantage
Card 3
The producer with the ability to make the largest amount of a particular product using its factors of production.
Card 4
Large company with production based in several different countries.
Card 5
Spending by firms on productive capacity in other countries.
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