When a political system is based on the consent of the people (i.e. winning an election). It is also legitimate if political actions follow laws and procedures (e.g. legit gov voted in in 1997 - labour landslide
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Authority of gov (as granted by voters) to carry out its program, according to promises of the manifesto. e.g. New Labour promise to remove hereditary peers from H of L.
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Political apathy
lack of interest/enthusiasm in politics/the political system & state of passivity or indifference towards institutions & their associated process. e.g. low turnout
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"rule by the many" - a society in which there are diverse & competing centres of power, which seek to exert influence over gov
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The recognition that society should be governed by an elite or small group.
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All those who are qualified to vote and registered. This doesn't include those in prison, in the H of L or are mentally ill
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The act of with-holding one's vote. Many absteined from voting in Police and crime comisioners election on 15th of November 2012
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Mass media
Means of communication that reach a large number of people in a short time. e.g. - TV, newspapers, magazines, radio, internet
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Class identification
People vote for a party due to what social group they belong. e.g. working classes (c2, DE) are more likely to vote labour
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Partisan identification
Electors identify with a particular party and loyalties are forged - strong, long-term partisanship
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Race between candidates for elective office - the campaign of the candidate to be elected.
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Right to vote as established by parliamentary statute. eg. the majority of UK citizens have this.
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Non-electoral participation
Activities to do with politics that are not just voting THere are many forms of this. e.g. canvassing & leafleting, member of political party or a pressure group, writing to one's MP
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Electoral participation
When people participate in politics by voting e.g. 65.1% of the UK electorate in 2010 GE
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The idea that people deferred to an elite regarded as being "born to rule" - natural willingness to accept ingrained, class based inequality & social heirachy
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Where people (the electorate) accept the basic "rules of the game" - including need for toleration, pragmatism, negotiation & comprimise
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Belief that citizens share a common heritage & identify; a sense of togetherness that transcends what divides them
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Liberal democracy
A style of democracy incorporating free and fair elections with a belief in the importance of certain key rights & responsibilities
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Indirect/representative democracy
A form of democracy in which the citizens electe representatives who then make decisions on their behalf. e.g. UK electorate vote for MPs who then vote directly on policy for them
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Direct democracy
A form of democracy in which the citizens themselves assemble to debate & decide issues of public importance
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People power. As in Abraham Lincoln's phrase "gov. of the poeple, by people, for the people". The UK political system.
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Election held between general elections to fill a seat that has become vacant because of resignation, expulsion or death. e.g. there was a by-election held on 15th November 2012 after resignation of Louise Mensch.
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The body of voters or the residents of an area represented by an elected legislator or official. e.g. Bracknell constituency rep by MP Dr Philip Lee
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Opinion polls
An inquiry into public opinion conducted by interviewing a random sample of people. e.g. opinion poll MORI - how people are likely to vote
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The number of electorate who vote. e.g. the percentage of electorate who voted in 2010 was 65.1%
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Class dealingment
The movement (or perceived movement) of people between social classes. This was largely due to the privatisation of houses and deintudtralisation.
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Partisan dealignment
The dealignment of people and their party. People are no longer voting for the party that they feel loyalty to, an increase in floating voters etc. Shown when Maggie gained votes from working classes who would have trad (and loyally) voted labour
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Authority of gov (as granted by voters) to carry out its program, according to promises of the manifesto. e.g. New Labour promise to remove hereditary peers from H of L.
Card 3
lack of interest/enthusiasm in politics/the political system & state of passivity or indifference towards institutions & their associated process. e.g. low turnout
Card 4
"rule by the many" - a society in which there are diverse & competing centres of power, which seek to exert influence over gov
Card 5
The recognition that society should be governed by an elite or small group.
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