Unit 1- Business Studies 0.0 / 5 ? Applied BusinessUnie 1- Employees&ProductionGCSEAQA Created by: abi_biggs7Created on: 05-04-15 17:43 What is an Employer? A business that employs a worker. 1 of 23 What is an Employee? Anyone who works for a business. 2 of 23 What is Recruitment? The process of finding and oppointing new employees. 3 of 23 What is Internal Recruitment? Appointing an existing employee of the business to fill a vacancy. 4 of 23 What is External Recruitment? Appointing an employee of another business to fill a vacancy. 5 of 23 What is a Wage? When an employee is paid a fixed amount for each hour or day they work. 6 of 23 What is a Salary? When a worker is paid a fixed amount per month or year no matter what hours they work. 7 of 23 What is a Pension? A wage paid to retired workers. Employees pay into their pension whilst they are working and then take it out when they have retired. 8 of 23 What are Non-Monetery Rewards? Rewards to employees that do not involve direct payment or money to them. 9 of 23 What are Monetary Rewards? Additional payments made to employeed on top or wages/salaries. 10 of 23 What is Motivation? The desire to do something. It refers to the desire to work and be productive. 11 of 23 What is Job Production? When individual or unique products are made to match the requirement of the customer. 12 of 23 What is Batch Production? When groups/batches or identical products are made. 13 of 23 What is Operational Efficiency? Producing goods/services to an acceptable standard with as few resources as possible to keep cost per unit low. 14 of 23 What are Unit Costs? The average cost of making one product. 15 of 23 What is Specialisation? Work is divided into seperate tasks or jobs that allow workers to become skilled at one of them. 16 of 23 What is Computerised Stock Control? The use of computers to keep record of all the stock the business has on its premesis. 17 of 23 What is Computer Aided Design (CAD)? Using computer programs to design products, such as cars, chocolate bars and clothes. 18 of 23 What is a Quality Product? A goog/service the meets customer expectations and is therefore fit for purpose. 19 of 23 What is Customer Expectation? The minimum quality standards for a product or service that is acceptable to customers. 20 of 23 What is Quality Assurance? Checking the quality of products at various stages of the production process rather than just at the end. 21 of 23 What is Customer Service? Provising services to customers before, duting and after purchase, to standards that meet their expectations. 22 of 23 What is Consumer Protection? Laws that protect the interests of consumers when buying goods/services. 23 of 23
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