Three Key Points: Humans are like machines, employees are motivated by money, employees should be paid according to piece rate
1 of 9
Three Key points: Employees worked harder with positive attention, Workers should socialize inside and outside of work, Management should include employees in decision making.
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Hierarchy of needs: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self esteem and self actualization
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Two main factors: Hygiene Factors such as: Company policy and administration - Wages, salaries and other financial remuneration - Quality of supervision - Quality of inter-personal relations - Working conditions - Feelings of job security
4 of 9
Motivator Factors: Status - Opportunity for advancement - Gaining recognition - Responsibility - Challenging / stimulating work - Sense of personal achievement & personal growth in a job
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Sole Trader
A business owned and controlled by one person who takes all the decisions, responsibility and profits from the business they run
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A partnership is an agreement between two or more people to finance and operate a business
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Public Limited Company
businesses which have been established with at least 2 shareholders with at least £50,000 worth of shares issued.
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Private Limited Company
Can be run with just one member and cannot trade shares to the public to raise capital
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Three Key points: Employees worked harder with positive attention, Workers should socialize inside and outside of work, Management should include employees in decision making.
Card 3
Hierarchy of needs: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self esteem and self actualization
Card 4
Two main factors: Hygiene Factors such as: Company policy and administration - Wages, salaries and other financial remuneration - Quality of supervision - Quality of inter-personal relations - Working conditions - Feelings of job security
Card 5
Motivator Factors: Status - Opportunity for advancement - Gaining recognition - Responsibility - Challenging / stimulating work - Sense of personal achievement & personal growth in a job
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