Unit 3 ( B3) respiratory system

  • Created by: san01
  • Created on: 22-10-19 15:26
function of nostrils?
the supply and conditioning ( filtering) inhaled air to the respiratory tract and lungs
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function of trachea? structure?
connects the larynx to the bronchi in the lungs - wide hollow tube
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function of bronchi? structure?
extension of the windpipe that passes air to and from lungs
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what is the function of lungs?
respiration. gets rid of co2 when breathing out. Helps oxygen enter the red blood cells.
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what is the function of bronchioles?
branches of bronchus - control flow of air to the alveoli. Keeps irritants out of airways
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what is the function of alveoli?
Gas exchange- allow oxygen and co2 to pass through between the lungs and blood stream . One cell thick
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what is the function of larynx?
allows air to pass through while keeping the food and drink from blocking air ways
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function of pharynx?
allow inhaled air to enter nasal cavity
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function of mouth?
supplementing or replacing the nasal cavity functions when needed
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function diaphragm?
contracts when inhaling to pull air into lungs. Flattens/ relaxes when exhaling pushing air out of lungs
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function of ciliated epithelial tissue?
moves particles or fluids over epithelial surface in structures such as trachea. bronchial rubes and nasal cavities
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what do intercostal muscles do?
move chest walls by contracting and expanding
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what are the 3 types of intercostal muscles?
external intercostal muscle- outside of the ribs. Internal intercostal - between the two ribs , innermost intercostal- inside the ribs
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what is ventilation?
process of air moving in and out of lungs- breathing .
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what is gaseous exchange?
Transfer of oxygen from inhale air into the blood and transfer of co2 from blood into the exhaled air
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what is diffusion?
processes of moving from high concentration to lower concentration. Oxygen diffuses from air in the alveoli from into the blood. Co2 diffuses from blood into the air in the alveoli
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what are some respiratory system diseases?
asthma, smoking related, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia
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what is asthma?symptoms?
airways narrow and swell, producing extra mucus. - shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing, coughing attacks
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what are some causes of asthma?
there are no clear causes bu usually a mix of environmental and genetics
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what are triggers of asthma?
pollen, exercise,respiratory questions, stress, air pollutants such as smoke
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what are some smoking related diseases?
lung disease, chronic bronchitis , asthma , copd,
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what is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? symptoms?
chronic lung disease- causes obstructed air flow from the lungs . - wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, mucus production
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what are some causes of copd?
main cause is smoking, being exposed to fumes from burning fuels
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what is pneumonia? symptoms?
an infection in one or both lung. Alveoli become inflamed and fill with fluid making it difficult to breathe. - coughing, fever, chills or sweating, shortness of breath , loss of appetite
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what are causes of pneumonia?
bacteria , viruses, and fungi
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


function of trachea? structure?


connects the larynx to the bronchi in the lungs - wide hollow tube

Card 3


function of bronchi? structure?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the function of lungs?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the function of bronchioles?


Preview of the front of card 5
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