In the first two years of growth how is an infant's length measured?
An infant's length is measured when lying down.
3 of 20
What is growth an indicator of?
Growth is an indicator of children's health and wellbeing.
4 of 20
What are three examples of gross motor activity?
Running, Walking, Pulling.
5 of 20
What are three examples of fine motor activity?
Holding a rattle, Building with blocks, Writing.
6 of 20
In puberty, what are the two hormones produced by a female's ovaries?
Oestrogen and Progesterone.
7 of 20
In puberty, what hormone is produced by a male's testes?
8 of 20
What are two physical changes a female may experience when going through puberty?
Breasts enlarge and Hips widen.
9 of 20
What are two physical changes a male may experience when going through puberty?
Growth of facial hair and Growth spurts may occur.
10 of 20
When do individuals reach their physical maturity?
Individuals reach their physical maturity in early adulthood.
11 of 20
What happens during perimenopause?
Oestrogen decreases, Ovualtion is irregular and Menstruation becomes less frequent.
12 of 20
When does the ageing process mainly begin?
The ageing process mainly begins in middle adulthood.
13 of 20
What is the menopause?
The menopause is a natural physiological change experienced by women during the middle adult life stage. It happens over several years with the gradual ending of menstruation.
14 of 20
What are the effects of ageing?
Less elasticity within the skin, decline in strength, loss of muscle nd higher susceptibility of infection.
15 of 20
What are the three stages of play?
Solo Play (0-2 years) , Parellel Play (2-3 years) and Co-operative Play (3 years and over).
16 of 20
What are possible negative behaviours due to peer pressure?
Smoking, Using alcohol and Drugs, Bullying, Vandalising etc.
17 of 20
What are the possible positive behaviours due to peer pressure?
Taking part in sport, Studying, Befriending, Respecting Others etc.
18 of 20
What are the possible effects of parental divorce or seperation?
Stress, Isolation, Guilt etc.
19 of 20
Name two parenting styles.
Authoritative and Authoritarian.
20 of 20
Other cards in this set
Card 2
When is full height reached by?
The start of early adulthood.
Card 3
In the first two years of growth how is an infant's length measured?
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