Unit 1: Digital Media Sectors & Audiences (A.1 to A.4 Revision)

  • Created by: BH160300
  • Created on: 30-03-17 22:05
What is it called when a device performs calculations in to binary code?
Digital Devices
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What is it called when a device record data linearly from one thing to another?
Analogue Devices
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What are the five different sectors that are being used across media?
Moving Image, Radio, Digital Publishing, Websites, Gaming
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What are the seven different products that are used as part of the media sector?
Film, TV, News, Music, Documentaries, Animation, Trailer
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What is Synergy?
Synergy is when two media products link together to promote one another across different media platforms.
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What are the five media processes when you are coming up with a digital media product idea?
1. Pre-Production, 2. Production, 3. Post-Production, 4. Distribution, 5. Exhibition
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After planning the digital media product, what is the next process when it comes to editing for example?
Production Process
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There are three different media platforms, what are they?
Watch, Listen & Read Media
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YouTube is part of a digital media sector, but which section?
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Many people use social media and it is part of the media sector, but which section?
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Using a CD disk reads digitally, many people think this section belongs to read - do you agree?
No, it doesn't belong to read but it belongs to the section 'listen'. CD disks are digital and many people would listen to the CD soundtrack through a CD player.
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What is technical convergence?
Technical Convergence is by using different devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, game consoles, laptops, PCs and MP3/MP4 players.
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What is Immediacy?
Immediacy is about increased speed on instant messaging and on demand media.
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What is Access?
Using Access to digital media is no longer exclusive to be rich and powerful and it's relatively inexpensive. Digital media give you access to be a amateur film maker.
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What is Portability?
Portability is everywhere on devices nowadays, they are small capable to use, devices are now more light weight than they used to be. Portability also allows you to access the internet and stay connected from everywhere you go.
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What is Connectivity?
Connectivity is also known as one global village - many thnaks to digital media. Connectvity also allows you to stay connected and see how everybody is doing online, using to check with social media, for example: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
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What is Interactivity?
Interactivity is between the producer, the product and consumer, it includes: a level of control, user-generated content, hyper/links and web addresses, texting and emailing to participate, 'Red button' feature on TV menus - an interactive feature.
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What is Personalisation?
Personalisation in digital media allows you to personalise and configure your theme to your liking. This allows them to customise to what wanted to do with it. There are lots of examples to consider.
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What different ways can a smartphone access media?
Internet websites, camera/audio recordings, internet browsers - Google Chrome & Sarfari, digital downloads, browse digital media, downloadable apps, online gaming, listening to music, watching TV online, read digitally.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is it called when a device record data linearly from one thing to another?


Analogue Devices

Card 3


What are the five different sectors that are being used across media?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the seven different products that are used as part of the media sector?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Synergy?


Preview of the front of card 5
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