unit 1 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationSkeletal system - bones and jointsGCSEAQA Created by: bertie321Created on: 12-03-22 10:14 what are the different functions of the skeletal system support/shape, protection, movement, making blood cells and mineral storage 1 of 40 what are the different types of bones long (gross movements) , short (fine movements) and flat bones (protection) 2 of 40 examples of long bones femur and humerus 3 of 40 example of short bones tulus 4 of 40 examples of flat bones ribs, cranium and pelvis 5 of 40 what are all the types of joint movement flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, rotation, circumduction, plantar flexion and dorsiflexion 6 of 40 what are the different types of joint ball and socket and hinge joint 7 of 40 what does ligaments do attach bone to bone 8 of 40 what does tendons do attach muscles to bones 9 of 40 what does cartilage do it acts as a cushion between bones 10 of 40 what does a synovial joint do it allows a wide range of movement 11 of 40 what are the different types of muscle contraction isometric (no movement) and isotonic (movement) 12 of 40 what are the two types of isotonic contractions called concentric (shortens) eccentric (lengthens) 13 of 40 what is an antagonistic muscle pair where there are pairs of muscles that work against each other 14 of 40 examples of agonistic muscle pairs bicep and tricep hamstrings and quadriceps hip flexors and gluetials 15 of 40 what are the different functions of the cardiovascular system transporting things around the body and this gives muscles what they need during exercise 16 of 40 where does deoxygenated blood come in from right atrium 17 of 40 where does deoxygenated blood exit from right ventricle 18 of 40 where does oxygenated blood come in from left atrium 19 of 40 where does oxygenated blood come exit left ventricle 20 of 40 what carries blood away from the heart arteries 21 of 40 what carries blood to the heart veins 22 of 40 what carries blood to the rest of the body capillaries 23 of 40 what does a red blood cell do carry oxygen and carbon dioxide 24 of 40 what do white blood cells do fight against disease 25 of 40 what is the structure of the respirtory system trachea -> bronchi -> bronchioles -> alveoli 26 of 40 where does oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange in the alveoli 27 of 40 what is tidal volume it is the amount of air you breath in and out during one breath 28 of 40 what does a spirometer trace do shows the lungs air volumes 29 of 40 what is aerobic exercise exercise with oxygen 30 of 40 what is anaerobic exercise exercise without oxygen 31 of 40 what do humans use as fuel carbohydrates and fats 32 of 40 what are the short term effects on exercise on the muscular system muscles release extra energy for movement and when you perform anaerobic respiration your body produces lactic acid 33 of 40 what are the short term effects on exercise on the respiratory system expand lungs for extra air and you increase the depth of your breathing 34 of 40 what are the short term effects on exercise on the cardiovascular system increase in cardiac output so increase in oxygen supply because of exercising 35 of 40 cardiac output= heart rate x stroke volume 36 of 40 what happens to your blood when you exercise if you do light exercise less blood flows to the muscle whereas when you do heavy exercise more blood goes to the muscles 37 of 40 what works together in cardiovascular system carbon dioxide and oxygen 38 of 40 what is muscle hypertrophy it is when you thicken the muscles 39 of 40 how does exercise improve your cardio-respiratory system bigger/stronger heart and increased cardiovascular endurance 40 of 40
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