Understanding Business Quizsearch 0.0 / 5 ? Business ManagementUnderstanding BusinessScottish HighersSQA Created by: ClareCrawfordCreated on: 14-04-15 14:21 Sector of industry responsible for manufacturing and construction. Secondary 1 of 15 Sector of the ecoomy consisting of government funded organisations that provide a service to society. Public 2 of 15 Where the owners/shareholders of the organisation are only liable for the amount they invested in the business. Limited liability 3 of 15 Private individuals who own a part or a share in a limited company. Shareholders 4 of 15 Group of people nominated to control a limited company. Board of directors 5 of 15 Payment made by a limited company to its shareholders, usually an annual distribution of profits. Dividend 6 of 15 A business that operates in more than one country. Multinational 7 of 15 Long term decisions made by an organisation. Strategic 8 of 15 The "S" in SWOT analysis Strength 9 of 15 Remove a layer of management. Delayering 10 of 15 Accronym for external factors. PESTEC 11 of 15 PESTEC Factor associated with the way in which the natural environment impacts organsiations and vice versa. Environmental 12 of 15 Someone who has an interest in the success of an organisation. Stakeholder 13 of 15 Short term, day to day decisions. Operational 14 of 15 Accronym for a structured assessment of internal and external factors impacting decision making. SWOT 15 of 15
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