ultrastructure of a cell

nucleus structure and function
double membrane (nuclear envelope which has pores) - inner and outer membrane fuse in some parts to allow ribosomes and dissolved substances to pass through. Nucleolus doesn't have a membrane and contains RNA. Chromatin is the genetic material
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Rough endoplasmic reticulum structure and function
A system of membranes that contain fluid-filled cavities called cisternae that are continuous with the nuclear envelope. They have ribosomes on their surface.
It its the intracellular transport system - the cisternae form channels th
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Smooth endoplasmic reticulum structure and function
a system of membranes that contain fluid-filled cavities called cisternae that are continuous with the nuclear envelope. It has no ribosomes on the surface.
the contains enzymes that catalyse reactions involved in lipid metabolism su
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Golgi Apparatus structure and function
a stack of membrane-bound flattened sacs. Secretory vesicles bring materials to and from the Golgi Apparatus.
proteins are modified: adding of sugar molecules to make glycoproteins, adding of lipid proteins to make lipoproteins and b
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mitochondria structure and function
spherical, rod-shaped or branched and are 2-5um long. Two membranes with a fluid filled space between them, the inner membrane is folded into a cristae. the inner part is a fluid-filled matrix.
Site of ATP production during aerobic r
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chloroplasts structure and function
larger organelle -> 4-10um long. Found only in plant cells or protists. Double membrane and the inner membrane is continuous with stacks of flattened membrane sacs called thylakoids which contain chlorophyll. Each stack of thylakoids is called
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vacuole structure and function
surrounded by a membrane called the tonoplast and contains fluid.
Only plant cells have a large permanent vacuole. Filled with water and solutes and maintains the cell stability because when full it pushes against the cell wall, maki
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Lysosome structure and function
Small bags formed from the Golgi Apparatus and has a single membrane. They contain powerful hydrolytic (digestive) enzymes. Abundant in phagocytic cells such as neutrophils and macrophages that ingest and digest invading pathogens.
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Cilia and undulipodia structure and function
Protrusions from the cell and are surrounded by the cell surface membrane. Contains microtubules and are formed from centrioles.
The epithelial cells lining your airways have hundreds of cilia that move mucus. Nearly all cell types h
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ribosomes structure and function
small, spherical organelles, 20nm in diameter. Made of ribosomal RNA. Made in the nucleolus, as two separate subunits which pass through nuclear envelope into cytoplasm and combine. Some remain free in the cytoplasm and some attach to RER.
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Centrioles structure and function
consist of two bundles of microtubules at right angles to each other. The microtubules are made of tubulin protein subunits and are arranged to form a cylinder.
Before a cell divides the spindle, made of threads of tubulin, forms the
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Cytoskeleton structure and function
A network of protein structures within the cytoplasm that consist of: rod-like microfilaments made of subunits of actin, intermediate filaments 10nm in diameter, straight cylindrical microtubules made of tubulin and the cytoskeletal motor prote
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Cellulose cell wall structure and function
On the outside of the plasma membrane. Made from bundles of cellulose fibres.
Strong and can prevent cells from bursting when the cell is turgid. Fungi have cell walls that are made from chitin, not cellulose. The cell wall maintains
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Card 2


A system of membranes that contain fluid-filled cavities called cisternae that are continuous with the nuclear envelope. They have ribosomes on their surface.
It its the intracellular transport system - the cisternae form channels th


Rough endoplasmic reticulum structure and function

Card 3


a system of membranes that contain fluid-filled cavities called cisternae that are continuous with the nuclear envelope. It has no ribosomes on the surface.
the contains enzymes that catalyse reactions involved in lipid metabolism su


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Card 4


a stack of membrane-bound flattened sacs. Secretory vesicles bring materials to and from the Golgi Apparatus.
proteins are modified: adding of sugar molecules to make glycoproteins, adding of lipid proteins to make lipoproteins and b


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Card 5


spherical, rod-shaped or branched and are 2-5um long. Two membranes with a fluid filled space between them, the inner membrane is folded into a cristae. the inner part is a fluid-filled matrix.
Site of ATP production during aerobic r


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