UK Government, the law and your role

The UK is a parliamentary democracy with the monarch as head of state. True or False?
1 of 21
Who could vote in the 19th Century?
Men who were over 21 years of age and who owned a certain amount of property
2 of 21
When did the Chartists campaign for reform?
1830s and 1840s
3 of 21
When was the voting franchise extended to women over 30
4 of 21
What year could men and women vote at the age of 21?
5 of 21
What year could men and women vote at the age of 18?
6 of 21
What is the constitution?
Set of principles by which a country is governed
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The British constitution is not written down in any single document, and therefore it is described as...?
8 of 21
Where are devolved governments in the uk that have the power to legislate on certain issues?
Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
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Who is the head of state?
Queen Elizabeth the 2nd
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What does the constitutional monarchy in the UK mean?
The king or queen does not rule the country but appoints the government, which the people have chosen in a democratic election.
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Who makes the decisions on government policies?
The Prime Minister and Cabinet
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How long has the queen reigned for?
Since 1952 - 60 years/Diamond Jubilee
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Who was the Queen married to?
Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh
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Who is her eldest son and where is he prince of?
Prince Charles, the prince of Wales
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The Queen has important ceremonial roles, such as?
The opening of the new parliamentary session each year.
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What is the National Anthem called?
God save the queen
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New citizens swear or affirm loyalty to the Queen as part of the citizenship ceremony. True or False?
18 of 21
What is the affirmation of allegiance?
I (name) do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that on becoming a British citizen, I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, her Heirs and Successors, according to law.
19 of 21
Who is the chief officer of the House of Commons?
The Speaker
20 of 21
Which political party does the Speaker belong to?
They don't, they are neutral
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who could vote in the 19th Century?


Men who were over 21 years of age and who owned a certain amount of property

Card 3


When did the Chartists campaign for reform?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When was the voting franchise extended to women over 30


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What year could men and women vote at the age of 21?


Preview of the front of card 5
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