U2 Physics 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsElectricityGCSEAQA Created by: bethanyrose__Created on: 13-06-17 09:15 What can Ohm's Law be used to find? The resistance of a component 1 of 28 What does an ammeter find? The current 2 of 28 What does a voltmeter find? The amount of volts in a certain area in a circuit 3 of 28 How do you calculate resistance? Voltage/Current 4 of 28 What are some examples of Ohmic conductors? copper wires, filament bulbs, resistor 5 of 28 What is a Ohmic conductor? An Ohmic conductor is a component that obeys Ohm's Law and where the current and voltage are proportional. 6 of 28 Why is Ohm's Law not valid when the temperature of the conductor increases? The ions in the component vibrate, making it hard for the electrons to pass through and more collisions to take place. 7 of 28 What is a series circuit? A simple circuit with only one loop. 8 of 28 What is a parallel circuit? A parallel is a circuit with two or more loops It will have a junction(s) where the current splits. 9 of 28 What effect do parallel circuits have on resistance? They decrease the resistance 10 of 28 Is the current the same in all the parts of a parallel circuit? Why? No. Because the current splits up. 11 of 28 How does the resistance of a series circuit change when you add more resistors? The reistance increases, therefore the current decreases 12 of 28 How do you connect ammeters and voltmeters to a circuit? Ammeters into the circuit and voltmeters out of the circuit. 13 of 28 What is resistance? Resistance is the fow of electric current through the most conductor. Collisions between ions and electrons 14 of 28 What is a superconductor? A substance capable of becomin superconducting at sufficiently low temperatures 15 of 28 Why do some materials have no resistance Cool, less vibrations of ions so more electron pathways 16 of 28 What are the two different types of electric current? AC (alternating current) & DC (direct current) 17 of 28 What does an oscilloscope do? Shows how the voltage varies with time 18 of 28 What does the voltage of an AC current do? Follows a repeated pattern 19 of 28 What does the voltage of a DC current do? The voltage of a DC supply is steady and is always in the same direction (it doesnt cross the axis) 20 of 28 What is frequency The number of waves a second. 21 of 28 What type of electricity is provided by a battery? DC (direct current) 22 of 28 Describe the electricity that comes out of a wall socket in the UK AC, 50HZ, 230 volts 23 of 28 What are the three types of wire? Live, Earth, Neutral 24 of 28 What does the neutral wire do? Completes the circuit 25 of 28 What does the live wire do? Carries high voltage 26 of 28 What does the Earth wire do? Creates safety 27 of 28 What is a fuse? A safety device that melts when too much current flows through, stopping the electricty flowing 28 of 28
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